I cannot replicate this anymore, but opening an issue nonetheless in case someone else can replicate it.
Note how it even complained about an unexpected help parameter, even though none was supplied.
PS C:\Users\narr\gitrepos\dog-scepter\builds> .\DogScepterCLI.exe dump
Missing parameter(s):
DogScepter CLI 0.0.1
Interface for working with data and project files.
DogScepterCLI dump <datafile> [options]
Dumps certain information from an input data file path.
* datafile Input data file path.
-o|--output If not the working directory, specifies the output directory.
-v|--verbose Whether to show verbose output from operations. Default: "False".
--strings Dump strings. Default: "False".
--code Dump decompiled code. Default: "False".
--hackycompare Enables hacky comparison mode. Default: "False".
--config Set the configuration to use.
-h|--help Shows help text.
Unexpected parameter(s):
DogScepter CLI 0.0.1
Interface for working with data and project files.
DogScepterCLI [options]
DogScepterCLI [command] [...]
--version Shows version information.
configs Lists available configuration files.
create Creates a new DogScepter project.
dump Dumps certain information from an input data file path.
open Opens an existing DogScepter project.
You can run `DogScepterCLI [command] --help` to show help on a specific command.
I cannot replicate this anymore, but opening an issue nonetheless in case someone else can replicate it. Note how it even complained about an unexpected help parameter, even though none was supplied.