colinbull / JavaTypeProvider

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IKVM Discussion #7

Closed fahadsuhaib closed 10 years ago

fahadsuhaib commented 10 years ago


This works really cool, I tried out the samples with the iText one and it worked fine. Some questions relating to this,

1) I see IKVM has wrapper DLLs that we need to use to interact with Java core libraries

let private getIKVMArgs outputPath (jarFile : string) = 
    let outDll = Path.Combine(outputPath, getAssemblyName jarFile)
    outDll, sprintf "-target:library -out:\"%s\" \"%s\"" outDll jarFile

Any idea why so? I haven't worked much with Java more like a noob in that :), but would certainly want to use this super TypeProvider for doing cool stuff.

Thanks, Fahad

fahadsuhaib commented 10 years ago

BTW, rt.jar is found in the jre\lib folder in the Java installation,

colinbull commented 10 years ago

Sorry about the delay in replying, real work swamped me.

Just out of curiosity did your folder path have spaces in it for example C:\Program Files... ? That is probably why you needed to change that. I'll make the changes above.

As for the those dll's I have been playing with how references work in type providers, I think I can get it to transparently reference the OpenJDK libs. If not I'll look at what you suggested however I think that things like classpaths and the way java resolves libs may get in the way with this approach.

