colindean / plas

Pittco LAN Administration System
14 stars 4 forks source link

Shoutbox System #14

Closed binarycleric closed 13 years ago

binarycleric commented 14 years ago

Require features in initial implementation:

  1. Admin permissions to moderate (delete posts, ban users, no editing)
  2. Automatically linkify links

Nice to have features, may be filed as Enhancements if not in initial implementation:

  1. Profanity filter (really, just a filter) - Must be configurable and have "good defaults"
  2. URL shortening for links using or some locally-hostable product - Mad props for implementing shortening in PLAS
  3. Upvote/downvote or agree/disagree buttons (anonymous)
  4. Markdown syntax accepted

This would be a great project for someone just getting their feet wet in Rails.

colindean commented 14 years ago

I think binarycleric is going to attack this as a good intro to Rails development.

Ensure you write unit tests, too.

colindean commented 13 years ago

This is a good quickie!

colindean commented 13 years ago

Doing this with apotomo...