colindean / plas

Pittco LAN Administration System
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Header looks terrible in some browsers #22

Closed colindean closed 13 years ago

colindean commented 14 years ago

It's not blueish, and the lower nav is half on top of the subtitle. The body contents are pushed up, as well.

This screenshot shows it well.

colindean commented 14 years ago

this also affects safari on iOS. see the ipad screenshot.

colindean commented 13 years ago

Now that Firefox 4 is out, I'm even less concerned with this. If by the time PLAS is ready for release, this is still not looking right in iOS Safari, we'll attack it.

colindean commented 13 years ago

This is affecting Opera 11.01 now, too.


colindean commented 13 years ago

Gradients are not supported in Opera until 11.10. I'll update to that and check it out. I expect the gradients to work, but the structure may still be wonky.

colindean commented 13 years ago

Upgraded to the latest Opera -- fixed.

Could someone test this on an iPhone/iPad and some of the Android tablet browsers? WFFM on stock Android browser.

shawnwall commented 13 years ago

looking ok to me looking ok to me

colindean commented 13 years ago

w00t! Closing. Thanks, @shawnwall.