colindean / plas

Pittco LAN Administration System
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"rails server" command not working #38

Closed arielkirkwood closed 13 years ago

arielkirkwood commented 13 years ago


I'm relatively new to Github so I'm not sure if this is the best way to write down this issue, but I wanted to try out PLAS, so I followed all the steps:

Again, sorry if I could've explained this better. I'd be happy to share any more information you might need to fix this issue.

arielkirkwood commented 13 years ago

I tried creating a new skeleton project with rails, and it works as expected, I can navigate to localhost:3000 and I see the default splash page.

colindean commented 13 years ago

Thanks for your interest in PLAS! Can you give me the output of gem list --local? It looks like it's dying before it even gets to real PLAS code. Our version of bundler is different.

That it works on a newly generated app is odd, and certainly points to PLAS or one of its Gem dependencies. If you create a new app and use PLAS's Gemfile, does the server still start?

arielkirkwood commented 13 years ago

I'll definitely try out that command when I get home from work.

How might I try your second suggestion? I'm pretty new to ruby and rails, I haven't actually learned the language yet :P I'm more familiar with PHP and CakePHP at the moment, but I love LAN parties, and when I found this, I had to try it out.

colindean commented 13 years ago

The best way to use PLAS's Gemfile is simply to copy it into the newly created rails app. There's nothing else required, really.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of the sources in the PLAS gemfile are out of date. I used to develop against ruby-head, but got tired of hitting problems with gems and started using 1.9.2. A few of the gems have sources which are my own gh forks or forks from other people fixing weird ruby-head interoperability problems or rails 3.0.0 problems during beta. That's what I get for using not one but TWO edge repos. Now, with Rails 3.1 coming out, there's a few more things to look at fixing...

arielkirkwood commented 13 years ago

Here's my local gems and my gemsets:

And, I tried copying the gemfile and gemfile.lock files to a new Rails app, here's the result when I did bundle install and then tried to run rails server:

colindean commented 13 years ago

Yeah, that's a problem with ffi. Take off the version specifier in the Gemfile and see what happens.

Or, you should be able to remove that entire block from the Gemfile (see the comments around it). Those were necessary for getting those Gems working with ruby-head on Ubuntu Natty Alpha 2. Clearly, that's a long time ago, so they shouldn't be needed any more.

arielkirkwood commented 13 years ago

I removed the line for ffi in that block of the Gemfile, here was my result for rails server: I also tried removing the entire block from the Gemfile, and this was the result:

I noticed that which ruby always shows this after I run bundle install for PLAS: /Users/arielkirkwood/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/bin/ruby

I am able to rvm use ruby-head and it sticks for trying things, but during the bundle install process, I get this error, regardless of what I do to the Ubuntu Natty portion of the Gemfile:

Trying rails server after that error:

Current workflow, just fyi: git clone cd plas nano Gemfile (to edit the Gemfile) rvm gem install bundler bundle install rails server

Hope I'm helping.

colindean commented 13 years ago

I'm still pointing the finger to ffi.

I noticed that you're running 10.7, developer preview? Perhaps there's something weird about ffi on 10.7?

Can you create a blank rails project and put gem "ffi" in the Gemfile? Ensure that you're using a bare gemset, too (create a new one and gem install bundler then do bundle install).

arielkirkwood commented 13 years ago

That's really odd, I'm on a MacBook Pro runnning 10.6.7 :P I'm curious, where did you get that from?

Anyways, here's the result of bundle install after starting a blank rails project with stock gemfile + ffi. The rails server command worked successfully.

colindean commented 13 years ago

It appears from line 3 of one of your gists that you're running 10.7.

ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [x86_64-darwin10.7.0]

I've got 10.6.7, as well, and mine shows as:

ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [x86_64-darwin10.6.0]

Do you have Xcode 4 installed? I don't know why the OS versions would be different. Can you give me the output of ruby --version?

Perhaps if I have time, I'll do a fresh checkout and gemset and see what I can figure out.

arielkirkwood commented 13 years ago

Here's the version info I could get using both ruby and rvm.

ruby --version: ruby 1.9.3dev (2011-05-20 trunk 31646) [x86_64-darwin10.7.0]

rvm --version: rvm 1.6.10 by Wayne E. Seguin ( []

rvm ruby --version: ruby 1.8.7 (2011-02-18 patchlevel 334) [i686-darwin10.7.0] ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [x86_64-darwin10.7.0] ruby 1.9.3dev (2011-05-20 trunk 31646) [x86_64-darwin10.7.0]

Thanks for helping out with this, I really appreciate it! I'm quite new to Ruby, but if I start picking it up, I'd be happy to help contribute more to this project if you needed help. I'm sort of starting a similar project using PHP and CakePHP, called LANbot.

arielkirkwood commented 13 years ago

I don't have Xcode 4 installed, but I'm pretty sure I installed the dev tools at one point... I might not even have that :( Let's just assume I don't.

EDIT: If I go buy Xcode 4 from the Mac App store right now, will that help? I don't mind spending $5, and I'd been meaning to check it out, anyways... (or I could pirate it to test it out)

colindean commented 13 years ago

We'd love to have your help! Getting a ruby development environment set up is usually one of the hardest parts of developing in ruby. Ruby is very focused on its gem system, especially for rails development!

I have a theory. I've not recompiled my 1.9.2 since 10.6.7 came out. uname -a shows that 10.6.7 is running Darwin kernel 10.7. I'll guarantee that's related! I wonder if there's something weird going on there.

colindean commented 13 years ago

As of 660063c9919b63cef506, I updated the Gemfile and made sure it worked at least for a few pages. Bomb your repo and refork, assuming you've made no changes, or just clone from mine and see if you can get it to work.

colindean commented 13 years ago

I lied. Get db5d95f58008ebc66b572d119c5354dc7411d5ef, because I messed up and forgot the acts_as_tree gem in rubygems is for rails2 and there's a separate repo for rails3 version.

arielkirkwood commented 13 years ago


I thought I'd just try the full nuclear option and re-install RVM, so I did, this time, only installing the ruby 1.9.2-p180 option. After following the steps in your Contributing doc, I finally tried rails server and it worked! Now to check out the site and find bugs and things :)

Edit: To get plas again, I re-forked your latest update, I didn't have to choose a specific commit of yours for it to work.

arielkirkwood commented 13 years ago

p.s. is there a way to reset the database to a fresh state? I'm finding some issues that I'll report elsewhere, but I wanted to ask here.

colindean commented 13 years ago

you can delete the db/development.db.

closing since the issue seems to be resolved.