when using this bundle with SF 2.8, there are several deprecation messages. The changes in this PR fix those deprecation messages and should create better compatibility with SF 3.0. The changes in detail:
Removed dependency injection as current SF best practices recommend calling the type class by its FQCN
Changed getDefaultOptions to configureOptions as this is still not on master branch (see #7)
Changed getParent() to no longer return an instance of the parent class as this is deprecated. Now returns FQCN instead.
Adapted README to show the current (2.7+) recommended usage for the bundle using FQCN and inverted choice/values for the choice type.
Bumped the version constraint to 2.7. Not sure whether this is required, but SF docs for 2.6 do not mention the ability to call form types by FQCN, so I'm not sure whether that would work. 2.7 is the oldest version still under active maintenance.
when using this bundle with SF 2.8, there are several deprecation messages. The changes in this PR fix those deprecation messages and should create better compatibility with SF 3.0. The changes in detail: