colinkeenan / silentcast

Create silent mkv screencast and animated gif.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Updated #6

Closed Seth-Johnson closed 9 years ago

Seth-Johnson commented 9 years ago

I've patched the application to avconv for Ubuntu using quilt so ffmpeg is no longer needed and the webupd8 team has generously let me copy their yad package into my PPA, so theirs isn't needed anymore. apt-get update should be run after removing a PPA so our sources are up to date.

colinkeenan commented 9 years ago

I haven't tested your new and improved PPA, but trust it works. This will be less intimidating now for people to install onto Ubuntu. I'm not planning to do any more work on Silentcast for a few months or longer because it definitely does what I need it to do. Thanks for your help.

So, does quilt somehow make avconv into ffmpeg? It was working to just make ffmpeg a symlink to avconv. What does quilt actually do to avconv?

colinkeenan commented 9 years ago

OK - I looked at the .deb file from your PPA and see that you've just changed ffmpeg to avconv for the PPA version, and I guess quilt keeps track of that for you. Definitely a good way to do it. I forgot that at one point I wanted to put a test in there to find out if ffmpeg was installed and if not to check for avconv, but I think this quilt method works more easily (for me anyway).

Seth-Johnson commented 9 years ago

Yes, quilt just manages the patches. It would be better in the long run to add ubuntu/avconv detection to the app itself, but for now, since it isn't too complicated, patching it isn't too hard so that's fine.

I do all the testing I can on the PPA, so everything should work fine, although it is possible somewhere, sometime there may be an issue, it shouldn't happen.

Seth-Johnson commented 9 years ago

Quick question, is topicons necessary for the indicator to work in gnome? If so, I should update the PPA to reflect that somehow...

colinkeenan commented 9 years ago

Yes, topicons is the only way that I've seen to make the indicator work. I think I even tested your patch (just running the python script directly) and that did not work.

Seth-Johnson commented 9 years ago

I looked into the subject, and the indicator works (or at least the Unity one, can't speak for yad), but Gnome puts it in the new "messaging tray" (see: Obviously this isn't a very good way to stop something like silentcast...

I looked into writing an indicator that goes into the panel (an "applet") but, so far as I can find, that real estate is reserved for Gnome shell extensions. Extensions, again as far as I can tell, aren't meant to have a finite lifespan (i.e. they are meant to run at login and stay running until the shell quits).. So we're back to topicons.

Unfortunately I don't believe scripting an extension install is possible, but I will look into that.


-----Original Message----- From: Colin Keenan Sent: 10/22/14 6:46 PM To: colinkeenan/silentcast Cc: Seth-Johnson Subject: Re: [silentcast] Updated (#6)

Yes, topicons is the only way that I've seen to make the indicator work. I think I even tested your patch (just running the python script directly) and that did not work.

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colinkeenan commented 9 years ago

I actually used Gnome 3 when it first came out, and used it for a long time. I was expecting your python script to show up in the new message tray, but it didn't in the latest version of Gnome. In the original Gnome 3, it was possible to pull up the message tray anytime just by moving the mouse pointer to the bottom of the screen. That does not seem to be the way it works now and I could only ever see it in the overview, and not even all the time there either. I was very frustrated by the latest Gnome 3 message tray because they have put it so far out of the way that it's useless. It wouldn't make sense to write an extension since I'm positive virtually everyone sees the need for topicons when using gnome 3.