Adjacent cells are identified as those containing points with identical coords as points in the current cell. This breaks if there are small errors in coords, which is happening in GIS data. It's easy to fix (by rounding off the geom input) IF you know where to look. Do this to catch the problem:
a) HabitatSpace: Edit this print stmt to include reachName
Adjacent cells are identified as those containing points with identical coords as points in the current cell. This breaks if there are small errors in coords, which is happening in GIS data. It's easy to fix (by rounding off the geom input) IF you know where to look. Do this to catch the problem:
a) HabitatSpace: Edit this print stmt to include reachName
b) PolyCell: Add this at the end of createPolyAdjacentCells
// // The list of adjacent cells shouldn't be empty // if([listOfAdjacentCells getCount] < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: PolyCell >>>> createPolyAdjacentCellsFrom >>>> adjacentCells is empty at CellNum: %d\n", polyCellNumber); fflush(0); exit(1); }
//fprintf(stdout, "PolyCell >>>> createPolyAdjacentCells >>>> END\n"); //fflush(0);
return self;