colinsheppard / time

A NetLogo extension that brings date/time utilities and discrete event scheduling to NetLogo
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Option to disable console output? [enhancement] #38

Closed dk-forestry closed 9 years ago

dk-forestry commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm back with another issue. Is it possible that there was a change in the output to the console between version 1.1.1 and 1.2.1? I'll explain:

Under version 1.1.1, this example code would execute in around 5 seconds on my system (with "normal speed", "view updates" and "continuous" selected). No output was written to the console.

extensions [time]

globals[ time-start time-current ]

to setup clear-all reset-ticks

set time-start time:create "2000-12-31" set time-current time:anchor-to-ticks time-start 1.0 "days" time:anchor-schedule time-start 1.0 "days"

time:schedule-repeating-event-with-period "observer" task do-daily 1 1.0 "days"

create-turtles 20 end

to go-until time:go-until time:create "2099-12-31" end

; daily schedule to do-daily ask turtles [ rt random 30 lt random 60 fd 1 ] end

Under version 1.2.1, exactly the same code with the same Netlogo settings would take around 5 minutes to execute, because for each tick, the following output to the console is created:

"performing event-id: 0 for agent: null at tick:XXXXX " (with XXXXX being the current tick number)

While this might be an extreme example with a total of around 38000 ticks, it's not that far from a real life model. In our case for example, model execution with version 1.1.1 was around 2-3 seconds, and now with version 1.2.1 it's around 90 seconds.

Do you think it would be possible to somehow implement an option to disable console output for the time extension? Or maybe an option to write it into a text file instead the console?

colinsheppard commented 9 years ago

Hi again. The debugging output wasn't turned off, it is in version 1.2.2. Thanks for letting me know.
