colinsheppard / time

A NetLogo extension that brings date/time utilities and discrete event scheduling to NetLogo
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TimeExample.nlogo generates runtime error with NullPointerException #41

Closed dougedmunds closed 8 years ago

dougedmunds commented 9 years ago

program crashes on the following line, both in 5.1 and 5.2 RC3: set tick-day time:anchor-to-ticks t-day 3 "months"

error (NullPointerException) while observer running SET called by procedure SETUP called by Button 'setup'

NetLogo is unable to supply you with more details about this error. Please report the problem at, or to, and paste the contents of this window into your report.

java.lang.NullPointerException at TimeExtension$ at TimeExtension$LogoTime.( at TimeExtension$ at at org.nlogo.prim._asm_proceduresetup_setobservervariable_91.perform() at org.nlogo.nvm.Context.stepConcurrent( at org.nlogo.nvm.ConcurrentJob.step( at$nlogo$job$JobThread$$runPrimaryJobs(JobThread.scala:143) at org.nlogo.job.JobThread$$anonfun$run$1.apply$mcV$sp(JobThread.scala:78) at org.nlogo.job.JobThread$$anonfun$run$1.apply(JobThread.scala:76) at org.nlogo.job.JobThread$$anonfun$run$1.apply(JobThread.scala:76) at scala.util.control.Exception$Catch.apply(Exception.scala:88) at org.nlogo.util.Exceptions$.handling(Exceptions.scala:41) at

NetLogo 5.2-RC3 main: thread: JobThread Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 1.6.0_45 (Sun Microsystems Inc.; 1.6.0_45-b06) operating system: Windows 7 6.1 (x86 processor) Scala version 2.9.2 JOGL: (3D View not initialized) OpenGL Graphics: (3D View not initialized) model: TimeExampleorig

08:39:05.049 SwitchedTabsEvent ( AWT-EventQueue-0 08:39:05.045 RuntimeErrorEvent ($$anon$1 (org.nlogo.window.GUIWorkspace)) AWT-EventQueue-0 08:39:05.044 PeriodicUpdateEvent ($$anon$1 (org.nlogo.window.GUIWorkspace)) AWT-EventQueue-0 08:39:05.042 OutputEvent ($$anon$1 (org.nlogo.window.GUIWorkspace)) AWT-EventQueue-0 08:39:05.039 OutputEvent ($$anon$1 (org.nlogo.window.GUIWorkspace)) AWT-EventQueue-0 08:39:05.037 OutputEvent ($$anon$1 (org.nlogo.window.GUIWorkspace)) AWT-EventQueue-0 08:39:05.034 OutputEvent ($$anon$1 (org.nlogo.window.GUIWorkspace)) AWT-EventQueue-0 08:39:05.032 OutputEvent ($$anon$1 (org.nlogo.window.GUIWorkspace)) AWT-EventQueue-0 08:39:05.030 OutputEvent ($$anon$1 (org.nlogo.window.GUIWorkspace)) AWT-EventQueue-0 08:39:05.028 OutputEvent ($$anon$1 (org.nlogo.window.GUIWorkspace)) AWT-EventQueue-0

MHX792 commented 8 years ago

Having the same issue when using time:go in NetLogo 5.0.4 and 5.2.