colinsheppard / time

A NetLogo extension that brings date/time utilities and discrete event scheduling to NetLogo
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Mousetrap example does not work in NetLogo 6.0.1 #55

Open SFRailsback opened 6 years ago

SFRailsback commented 6 years ago

It does not seem to schedule new trap snaps in "snap". No error messages.

colinsheppard commented 6 years ago

I've only had a second to investigate, but I think "stop" inside of "snap" procedure is having a side effect of stopping the scheduler from dispatching. If you remove stop and use control logic like below, the simulation works fine.

to snap  ; Executed by a trap when a ball lands on it

    ; Stop if trap has already snapped
    if pcolor != black [
      set pcolor red   ; Show the snap
      display          ; So we can see things happen on the View
                       ; Set View updates to ??? on-ticks?
      set pcolor black ; Black means the trap has triggered

      ; Send 2 balls in air, determine where and when they land
      repeat 2
        let trap-ball-lands-on one-of (patches in-radius 5)
        let ball-travel-time random-float (mean-flight-time * 2)
        let ball-arrival-time time:plus current-time ball-travel-time "seconds"
        time:schedule-event trap-ball-lands-on [ [] -> snap ] ball-arrival-time

      ; Finally, update outputs

But I will keep this issue open and try to see whether I can change behavior of stop to the pre-6.0 or perhaps I'll update the documentation since it's actually convenient to have a way to conditionally halt the simulation, something that wasn't possible before.

colinsheppard commented 6 years ago
