colinsheppard / time

A NetLogo extension that brings date/time utilities and discrete event scheduling to NetLogo
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Example models won't run in NetLogo 6.0.2 #58

Open cmgoold opened 6 years ago

cmgoold commented 6 years ago

I am running NetLogo version 6.0.2 on a Linux machine. I have installed the time extension but the example models that I have tried (e.g. the mouse trap model) will setup but not run. The error message I receive is below. Thanks for your help!

NetLogo is unable to supply you with more details about this error.  Please report the problem 
 at, or to, and paste the 
contents of this window into your report. 

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field org.nlogo.agent.World.tickCounter from class time.datatypes.LogoSchedule
 at time.datatypes.LogoSchedule.getTickCounter(
 at time.datatypes.LogoSchedule.performScheduledTasks(
 at time.datatypes.LogoSchedule.performScheduledTasks(
 at time.primitives.DiscreteEventSchedulerPrimitives$Go.perform(
 at org.nlogo.prim._extern.perform(
 at org.nlogo.nvm.Context.stepConcurrent(
 at org.nlogo.nvm.ConcurrentJob.step(ConcurrentJob.scala:65)
 at org.nlogo.job.JobThread.runPrimaryJobs(JobThread.scala:133)
 at org.nlogo.job.JobThread.$anonfun$run$1(JobThread.scala:68)
 at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$
 at scala.util.control.Exception$Catch.apply(Exception.scala:224)
 at org.nlogo.api.Exceptions$.handling(Exceptions.scala:41)

NetLogo 6.0.2
thread: AWT-EventQueue-0
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_141 (Oracle Corporation; 1.8.0_141-b15)
operating system: Linux 4.9.0-4-amd64 (amd64 processor)
Scala version 2.12.2
JOGL: (3D View not initialized)
OpenGL Graphics: (3D View not initialized)
model: MousetrapDiscreteEvents

09:26:40.036 AddJobEvent (org.nlogo.window.ButtonWidget) AWT-EventQueue-0
09:26:39.964 InputBoxLoseFocusEvent (org.nlogo.window.ButtonWidget) AWT-EventQueue-0
09:26:39.930 InterfaceGlobalEvent (org.nlogo.window.InputBoxWidget) AWT-EventQueue-0
09:26:39.930 PeriodicUpdateEvent ($$anon$1 (org.nlogo.window.GUIWorkspace)) AWT-EventQueue-0
09:26:39.729 InterfaceGlobalEvent (org.nlogo.window.InputBoxWidget) AWT-EventQueue-0
09:26:39.729 PeriodicUpdateEvent ($$anon$1 (org.nlogo.window.GUIWorkspace)) AWT-EventQueue-0
09:26:39.528 JobRemovedEvent ($$anon$1 (org.nlogo.window.GUIWorkspace)) JobThread
09:26:39.464 TickStateChangeEvent ($$anon$1 (org.nlogo.window.GUIWorkspace)) JobThread
09:26:39.441 InterfaceGlobalEvent (org.nlogo.window.InputBoxWidget) AWT-EventQueue-0
09:26:39.441 PeriodicUpdateEvent ($$anon$1 (org.nlogo.window.GUIWorkspace)) AWT-EventQueue-0
Westlife1002 commented 5 years ago

hi, is this issue fixed? how reliable this extension is? I am interested to apply some forms of discrete event modelling paradigm inside my ABS model using Netlogo

robwalton commented 4 years ago

The issue still exists with netlogo 6.1. I've tried it with netlogo 6.0 and there is no problem. When using netlogo > 6.0 netlogo reports that the extension was built against 6.0 and may not work. I'll try rebuilding it against 6.1 and see what happens.

For reference, the exception reported above

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field org.nlogo.agent.World.tickCounter from class time.datatypes.LogoSchedule

occurs with the following when calling time:go:

crt 1
time:schedule-event turtles [ [] -> fd 1 ] 1.0