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Just trying to understand all this
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investigate starring,flagging implementation #5

Open colinsimmons opened 13 years ago

cabbiepete commented 13 years ago

Usual approach seems to just be another table in db linked in object model

cabbiepete commented 13 years ago

Ui should not require edit mode if possible. FiA est 2 days

colinsimmons commented 13 years ago

How to construct the searches to be most effective.

Search by Test in a set of Tests for a given result . Then offer that search as an option stored against the current patient as a search profile as a search for that patient.

In eLab Orders the Danes also have an option to store against the practice as often practices get together among all the practitioners (Doc, Nurses, Physios etc.) and agree on standard ways to treat particular patient issues that they see. Practices also often specilise a bit - like two women GPs may concentrate on women’s problems and gynaecology (pregnancy) as it is easier for the women, esp. in certain cultures. What this does is often concentrate issues in a practice in terms of volumes. I have been amazed at how different practices are with very few alike in their approach whereas all the secondary systems all assume GP practices are all the same.

To cater for this difference we need to make the choices something the GP can make as the Doc works with the system so that he tailors the system in this way to the practice and patients involved. This will settle down to just a few choices for each patient set and not thousands of different choice as these guys are extremely busy and will only do what is useful to them. They do love to be able to configure it to suit themselves though. It took 6 yrs of GP input for the Danes to discover what was wanted. Our GPs are exactly the same. Allow the user to select that search next time but drop off any tests not now wanted do not alter the search as saved unless the user specifically wants that done. The reason for this is a Doc follows a patient for a reason after they have been diagnosed. but will often just not do a tests that has showed no change.

You will see the behaviour mentioned above when looking at how tests are dropped out of profiles in later testing and then come back in later on.

During initial diagnosis or during a periodic re-check the Doc will look far and wide in the Testing areas of best probability for a problem that fits the patient’s symptoms plus the Doc may check areas that are common among the population like Diabetes, Thyroid and Cardiac, booze and smoking problems that produce many symptoms depending on the form the patient has manifest and how much the doc believes the patient.

Because patient’s rarely have just one nice clean issue like in textbooks then it is common for a GP to be watching many issues generally but really watching quite carefully just one or two key Test values that they have seen change beforein this patient or other similar patterns with other patients.

We cannot easily predict these - some complex engines have been developed to try to do this but none are as good as a GP that really knows the patient.

Most patients try to be helpful and will try to agree with the GP (cause that is the helpful friendly personal thing we all do) but that is not what a GP needs so they become very adept at not asking or stating directly what concerns them about a patient. Your mum is an exception with our GP as she knows too much so she is dealt with by the GP quite differently.

All a bit like business analysis or problem analysis in a way.

Flagging implementation

The idea here was for the doctor to be able to flag some results for further follow up if as he reviews them.

Workflows for Flagging

We should be able to take him back to those results in some way for review at a later date. For example he may be reviewing some critical results and then think if I tag it here then when i am at my desk later on my PC EMR system i can look these up and spend more time on the details or make a phone call to someon about this patient or maybe increase the medication or something.

If we went to be really clever we could ask if we should create an email with the results which he can send to someone/himself but we really do not know if a doctor will actually want to do this so lets just flag it and leave it for now unless it is easy to do

cabbiepete commented 12 years ago

I just did a similar thing in the Pill Identifier app. In that case we made it automatic but its not really any different to saving anything else. Prob best to just base it off a view of the data users can use, perhaps always have it as an option i.e. whatever the user is looking at save that as a "quick reference" this could be lists of things or details or whatever.

colinsimmons commented 12 years ago

sounds good that is ideal from the descripton you gave here

Sent from my iPhone 4s

On 28/06/2012, at 13:49, Peter wrote:

I just did a similar thing in the Pill reminder app. In that case we made it automatic but its not really any different to saving anything else. Prob best to just base it off a view of the data users can use, perhaps always have it as an option i.e. whatever the user is looking at save that as a "quick reference" this could be lists of things or details or whatever.

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