colinsurprenant / redstorm

JRuby on Storm
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Storm Topology in Production #93

Open JoshdotNew opened 10 years ago

JoshdotNew commented 10 years ago

I am trying to run my storm topology on a server with a storm cluster and the topology doesn't run. Any quick ideas or checks? It works fine in development.

colinsurprenant commented 10 years ago

you should be able to retrieve any exception from the log files. you can also use the UI which should report any exception in any bolt/spout. did you try to submit a very simple topology that does not require any particular dependency? make sure you can do that first. If you can't submit a simple topology then we are probably looking a config problem, did you setup a ~/.storm/storm.yaml file?

colinsurprenant commented 10 years ago

have you finally been able to make it run/find the problem?