Open tlrobinson opened 10 years ago
thanks for your suggestion @tlrobinson. yes, this is an interesting caveat with the way I imagined the dsl and the use-case you refer to. I will need to think about this a bit.
A temporary workaround could be to write a simple Java spout wrapper class that initializes itself correctly and that you could use as-is in the JRuby DSL? Or you could try the same idea but with a JRuby wrapper spout class?
That's basically what I'm trying to do, however I'm getting a somewhat opaque error message about undefined method 'java_proxy'
. Maybe you could offer some guidance:
RedStorm v0.7.0.beta1 starting topology MyTopology/my_topology in local environment
2041 [main] ERROR org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn - Thread Thread[main,5,main] died
org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (NoMethodError) undefined method `java_proxy' for MyJmsSpout:Class
at RUBY.new_instance(/Users/trobinson/git/my_topologies/target/lib/red_storm/dsl/topology.rb:49) ~[na:na]
at RUBY.build_topology(/Users/trobinson/git/my_topologies/target/lib/red_storm/dsl/topology.rb:147) ~[na:na]
at org.jruby.RubyArray.each(org/jruby/ ~[jruby-complete-1.7.12.jar:na]
at RUBY.build_topology(/Users/trobinson/git/my_topologies/target/lib/red_storm/dsl/topology.rb:146) ~[na:na]
at RUBY.start(/Users/trobinson/git/my_topologies/target/lib/red_storm/dsl/topology.rb:159) ~[na:na]
at RUBY.main(/Users/trobinson/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.7.10/gems/redstorm-0.7.0.beta1/lib/red_storm/topology_launcher.rb:66) ~[na:na]
Here's basically the code I'm running:
java_import 'backtype.storm.contrib.jms.JmsProvider'
java_import 'backtype.storm.contrib.jms.JmsTupleProducer'
java_import 'backtype.storm.contrib.jms.spout.JmsSpout'
java_import 'backtype.storm.tuple.Fields'
java_import 'backtype.storm.tuple.Values'
java_import 'javax.jms.Session'
java_import 'javax.jms.TextMessage'
java_import 'javax.jms.Topic'
java_import 'javax.jms.TopicSession'
java_import 'org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory'
java_import 'storm.kafka.KafkaConfig'
java_import 'storm.kafka.KafkaSpout'
java_import 'storm.kafka.SpoutConfig'
java_import 'storm.kafka.ZkHosts'
require 'red_storm'
class CreateEventBolt < RedStorm::DSL::Bolt
on_receive do |tuple|
object = JSON.parse(tuple[:bytes].to_s)
puts object.inspect
class MyTopic
include Topic
attr_accessor :topic_name
def initialize(topic)
@topic_name = topic
def getTopicName
class MyJmsProvider
include JmsProvider
attr_accessor :connectionFactory
attr_accessor :destination
def initialize(url, topic)
@connectionFactory =
@destination =
def connectionFactory
def destination
class JsonTupleProducer
include JmsTupleProducer
def toTuple(msg)
if msg.java_kind_of? TextMessage
def declareOutputFields(declarer)
class MyJmsSpout < JmsSpout
def initialize(provider, tuple_producer, ack_mode=Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, distributed=true)
self.setJmsProvider provider
self.setJmsTupleProducer tuple_producer
self.setJmsAcknowledgeMode ack_mode
self.setDistributed distributed
class MyTopology < RedStorm::DSL::Topology
jms_provider ="tcp://localhost:61616", "")
tuple_producer =
spout MyJmsSpout, [jms_provider, tuple_producer] do
output_fields :bytes
bolt CreateEventBolt, :parallelism => 2 do
output_fields :json
source MyJmsSpout, :shuffle
configure self.topology_name do |env|
It needs (some of?) these dependencies:
<dependency org="com.github.ptgoetz" name="storm-jms" rev="0.9.0" conf="default" transitive="true"/>
<dependency org="org.apache.activemq" name="activemq-spring" rev="5.9.1" conf="default" transitive="true"/>
<dependency org="org.springframework" name="spring-core" rev="3.2.5.RELEASE" conf="default" transitive="true"/>
<dependency org="org.springframework" name="spring-beans" rev="3.2.5.RELEASE" conf="default" transitive="true"/>
<dependency org="org.springframework" name="spring-test" rev="3.2.5.RELEASE" conf="default" transitive="true"/>
The problem is here:
Since MyJmsSpout
is a actually Ruby class and not a Java class, it tries to initialize it using the spout java proxy which is required because Ruby classes are not java-serializable.
So what can we do. Well, you could write MyJmsSpout
in Java, which would be very simple and do basically what you have done in Ruby. You could also write a "proper" Ruby Spout and in the on_init
initialize the JmsSpout
and wrap the spout methods with their Ruby equivalent. But that would be less efficient that writing it in Java.
I'm afraid that there's no simple work around to this other than writing a few lines of Java... but we should totally offer something to make this work, not sure how exactly how at this point.
I think we could make it work the way you suggested with
spout JmsSpout, :id => :events_jms do |spout|
# etc
output_fields :bytes
by creating the spout/bolt instance in the self.spout/bolt methods and passing the instance to the block, instead of delaying the instance creation at topology build. I'll create a branch shortly you can test.
The potential caveat is that the spout/bolt block is already called in the configurator context but I'm guessing that you will typically only be using the |spout| param to call methods on it...
That would be fine. I'm not sure I understand the caveat you mentioned though.
In the meantime, I've gotten a JMSSpout subclass working, but where would you recommend storing Java source files? Currently I have it in target/src/mycompany/storm/
, which works fine, but as I understand it the target
directory isn't supposed to be checked into source control.
You can put java sources under src/main/
and use rake build
to compile them and you should just be able to use them the same way as putting your classes in the target/
dir. I did make some progress with the refactor today while on the train (currently traveling in Europe) and I should be able to push a branch so you can test.
Thanks. What do I need to do to set up Rake to build from src/main
? I'm getting Don't know how to build task 'build'
There doesn't appear to be a way to call instance methods on bolts or spouts in the DSL, e.x. as is required here:
Perhaps the instance should be passed to the block, so you can do something like this: