colinta / StrangeCase

It's yet another static site generator. Have you seen jekyll? hyde? Yup. Like those.
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Lines from top of file removed when using jinja2 extends #34

Closed garyvdm closed 11 years ago

garyvdm commented 12 years ago

Given the following site:

layouts/layout.j2 :

<!doctype html>
      <title>{{ title }}<title>
    {%- block content %}
    {%- endblock %}    

site/index.j2 :

title: Home
top_nav: True
top_nav_sort: 0

{%- extends "layouts/layout.j2" %}
{%- block content %}
hello world
{%- endblock %}

The result is:


hello world    

But I expect:


<!doctype html>
hello world    

I traced the issue[StrangeCaseTemplate|YamlFrontMatterLoader]

I'm going to have a go at fixing it my self.

colinta commented 12 years ago

Tricky one, that. The problem is the {%- extends tag - specifically the minus that consumes the white space after the front matter, which affects how the front matter is detected. The triple ---s are expected to be on their own line.