collabx / IDASH

Identity and Data Authorized Sharing Helm
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For Potential Appathon "OIDC Municipal Project Hangout" #5

Open dazzaji opened 9 years ago

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

Consider inviting

zmon commented 9 years ago

We need to ask if anyone knows of code that implements a IdP that would be good to use for a Hackathon?

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

I can do a hangout today or tomorrow. Let me know when. I say we invite anyone who is still interested.

dseacord17 commented 9 years ago

I can also do a hangout today or tomorrow. But I've never used it before, so I'll need time to figure it out--I'd appreciate as much notice as possible.

Also, I added a comment to the feedback issue (6) after Evan closed it (thanks for doing that, I spent a while trying to figure out how to reply-and-close, and I think the answer is I can't because I don't think I'm a collaborator). Nothing new, but I tried to give what I think is a non-technical description of the project under the liquor permit use-case that may be helpful for trying to explain it to a panel of lawyers.

zmon commented 9 years ago

I am available today. Tomorrow except for 12 - 1 and 4 - 5 CST.

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

When you have a pretty good sense of one or two times when one or more members of your team can do hangouts on these topics please send an email with the plan and the people you would like to reach out to for each segment. I will forward that with an invitation and set it up.

| Sent from my iPhone | Please Forgive Typos

| Dazza Greenwood, JD |, Founder & Principal | MIT Media Lab, Visiting Scientist | Vmail: 617.500.3644 | Email: | Biz: | MIT: | Me: | Twitter: @DazzaGreenwood | Google+: | LinkedIn: | GitHub:

On Apr 16, 2015, at 2:59 PM, Paul D Barham wrote:

I am available today. Tomorrow except for 12 - 1 and 4 - 5 CST.

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EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

Can we do 930-1130? Tomorrow?

zmon commented 9 years ago

That works for me!

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

Also, I think if Dazza wants to reach out to all of the above people that would be great!

dseacord17 commented 9 years ago

I'll have to cut out at about 10:58 to get to my 11 AM class, but otherwise that's great.

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

Ok. So what about the afternoon? 130-4? Does that work for time. I think if we give them two big slots we'll get more people

dseacord17 commented 9 years ago

I can be there from 2-2:45, but I'm committed to a volunteering thing at 3.

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago


Dazza, We can do tomorrow at 930-1130 or 2-4. Please invite whoever you think is interested. Thanks!

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

Ok - is that eastern time? and can i get a gmail address for each person? also i think doug said he has not used hangout. can someone do a test hangout with doug so he i all set up before the hangout?

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

Those are central time. I'm sure Doug can handle the hang out.

zmon commented 9 years ago

Central Time so 10:30-12:30 and 3-5 Eastern. Evan Absher, Doug Seacord, Paul Barham

Doug I can help you with a hangout, will email you about that. Or can we get a room at the Law School?

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

THat is great - thank you. I got you a little something special for the occassion:

Please have a look at this issue in prep for the hangout. If possible, it would be great for each team member to have downloaded the GitHub client in advance of the call. That way you can update the system rules and we can talk about the nature and operation of the sort of multi-city IdP trust network you are proposing and not talk much about how to download the GitHub client and just make changes to a file in a repository. (Paul - can you help them download the client and make a change to a file in a repository before the call so we don't spend our limited "onair" time doing that unless it is absolutely necessary?).

Go ahead and use the Forked Repo I made for you in this org (collabx) to update the rules. You are all "owners" of that repository and can update at will. But it does not count till you offer the amended content for updates to the MIT repository.

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

If you guys want to come to City Hall I can host there. Or we could do UMKC if that would be easier?

dseacord17 commented 9 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, we didn't actually pick one of the two times, did we? I can't believe I'm saying this, but I vote morning.

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

I'll set it up. Can you please send me a short punch list of the items you want to cover? Also - please please download the GitHub client (aka "app") from GitHub so you can easily make changes to MIT site via "pull request" (it is just a pull down menu) among other good things.

zmon commented 9 years ago

I have started the punch list in the description of this issue. In a BLT structure.

zmon commented 9 years ago

@EvanAbsher City Hall or UMKC would work for me. Has a time been set?

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

Hi Guys. I've got your scheduled for 3:30 pm Eastern! Will send hangout link about 30 min before. Will be broadcast via and the front page of

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

Got it!! I can host or go to UMKC. Let me know. Thanks!

zmon commented 9 years ago

Evan I vote for your location since I need to be next door to City Hall at 3:55pm and am not sure if I can get there in time.

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

Doug, does that work for you? I know it's a bit of a hike. I can validate parking.

zmon commented 9 years ago

I have added the following technical questions to the description of this issue. Does any one have other BLT questions to be added?

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

K. I have questions about the system rules, but I'm not sure what they are. I really want them to talk about the system rules for a minute so I more fully understand the context.

zmon commented 9 years ago

Doug, I can meet a UMKC but would need to cut out by 3:15 to be on the save side.

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

I can go to UMKC as well.

zmon commented 9 years ago

I would like a general conversation about the flavors or IdPs for OpenID Connect.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 10:49 AM, EvanAbsher wrote:

K. I have questions about the system rules, but I'm not sure what they are. I really want them to talk about the system rules for a minute so I more fully understand the context.

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Paul Barham 816-679-8010

dseacord17 commented 9 years ago

Go City Hall. As I mentioned previously, I'll have to leave at 2:45ish Central, so don't worry about accommodating me. I'll join the conversation from my apartment and just quietly exit when I have to go. Apologies for not being able to stay longer, but I'd committed to my volunteering gig at the beginning of the week for this afternoon.

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

No worries at all! Thanks for being able to join last minute. This is how this stuff roles.

zmon commented 9 years ago

Evan, same meeting room as last time...

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 10:57 AM, EvanAbsher wrote:

No worries at all! Thanks for being able to join last minute. This is how this stuff roles.

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Paul Barham 816-679-8010

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago


dazzaji commented 9 years ago

I've emailed the experts and thought leaders... but given the late hour I suspect it may just be us folks.

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

That's fine I've got lots of questions that I think might out me a neophyte and I'd rather contain that knowledge to just our group.

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

I hope that group is the experts and thought leaders (see list at top of this issue). Not sure whom else would be in a position to assist better with the topics but am sure nobody would think anybody the worse for being neophyte at a very new technology. I would be really weird if you were not neophyte.

zmon commented 9 years ago

That works better for me to.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 11:48 AM, EvanAbsher wrote:

That's fine I've got lots of questions that I think might out me a neophyte and I'd rather contain that knowledge to just our group.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Paul Barham 816-679-8010

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

Paul Meet me on the 26th floor. I might be a bit late, so sorry!

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

guys - late is actually GOOD in this case. I am juggling a lot to get things done in time for our hangout too. So that none of us are late, let's push the start time back 30 minutes to 4pm Eastern.

| Dazza Greenwood, JD |, Founder & Principal | MIT Media Lab, Visiting Scientist | Vmail: 617.500.3644 | Email: | Biz: | MIT: | Me: | Twitter: @DazzaGreenwood | Google+: | LinkedIn: | GitHub: | Postal: P.O. Box 425845 Cambridge, MA 02142 |

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 2:02 PM, EvanAbsher wrote:

Paul Meet me on the 26th floor. I might be a bit late, so sorry!

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EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

I'm actually ready now. Paul You can still come at 230 and we can get some work done before hand.

dseacord17 commented 9 years ago

Since I won't be able to make the new time, I'll leave here the one major conversational point I'd planned on bringing up:

Users will need a right under the Model Service Agreement to access data stored by Third Parties, to verify that data for accuracy, and to request timely modifications to correct inaccuracies. I think that will need to be mirrored by affirmatively obliging Third Parties to comply with User requests along that line.

Hope you have a good chat, gentlemen.

zmon commented 9 years ago

I should be there in 15 or so

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 2:19 PM, EvanAbsher wrote:

I'm actually ready now. Paul You can still come at 230 and we can get some work done before hand.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Paul Barham 816-679-8010

EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

OK. Thanks Doug.

dazzaji commented 9 years ago

Thanks, Doug. Very Valuable.

| Sent from my iPhone | Please Forgive Typos

| Dazza Greenwood, JD |, Founder & Principal | MIT Media Lab, Visiting Scientist | Vmail: 617.500.3644 | Email: | Biz: | MIT: | Me: | Twitter: @DazzaGreenwood | Google+: | LinkedIn: | GitHub:

On Apr 17, 2015, at 3:35 PM, dseacord17 wrote:

Since I won't be able to make the new time, I'll leave here the one major conversational point I'd planned on bringing up:

Users will need a right under the Model Service Agreement to access data stored by Third Parties, to verify that data for accuracy, and to request timely modifications to correct inaccuracies. I think that will need to be mirrored by affirmatively obliging Third Parties to comply with User requests along that line.

Hope you have a good chat, gentlemen.

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EvanAbsher commented 9 years ago

Ready when you are, Dazza.