collbreno / fut-calendar

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Self hosted option? #2

Open graciano opened 3 weeks ago

graciano commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, great project, congrats! I think I got here because you posted this on linkedin.

From my understanding looking at the code, this is a bunch of lambda functions that manage a database and then it is exposed in HTML/ICS files, correct? Would it be too cumbersome to make this into a docker deployable self hosted solution? I'm thinking an env file that creates cron jobs that could schedule the functions.

Also, maybe you didn't think about this yet, but I personally would consider contributing with a PR to enable this if the project had a License that would allow people to self host their own solution if they wanted.

graciano commented 3 weeks ago

Oh, I'm sorry, I just realized my assumption was mistaken. I still think what I've described there would be better (platform agnostic, accessible to more kinds of users in their own calendars), but I don't mean to be overly critical of what you did here, which is great. In any case, I'm open to contribute to make this happen if you're interested, but maybe create separate PRs for the docker part and the ICS part (mantaining the google calendar integration ofc).