collective / Products.PloneKeywordManager

Change, merge and delete keywords (AKA tags or subjects) in Plone.
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Error when tryng to open Keyword in 5.2.2 #82

Closed rileydog closed 1 year ago

rileydog commented 1 year ago

My Action: Installed (Products.PloneKeywordManager 3.0.2 My configuration: Version Overview

Plone 5.2.2 (5209)
CMF 2.4.8
Zope 4.5.1
Python 3.8.5 (default, Jul 28 2020, 12:59:40) [GCC 9.3.0]
PIL 6.2.2 (Pillow)
Server: waitress 1.4.4

=============================== Error Message:

We’re sorry, but there seems to be an error…

Here is the full error message:

Traceback (innermost last): Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 162, in transaction_pubevents Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 359, in publish_module Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 254, in publish Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 85, in mapply Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 63, in call_object Module Products.PloneKeywordManager.browser.prefs_keywords_view, line 30, in call Module Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile, line 126, in call Module Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile, line 58, in call Module zope.pagetemplate.pagetemplate, line 133, in pt_render Module Products.PageTemplates.engine, line 367, in call Module, line 176, in render Module chameleon.zpt.template, line 307, in render Module chameleon.template, line 214, in render Module chameleon.utils, line 75, in raise_with_traceback Module chameleon.template, line 192, in render Module 3bf485c00acbcfc52d5a6ad7b9f4060b, line 2087, in render Module 4d4bd35e64d7d7933502ed748132966d, line 382, in render_master Module 5a91f82f687e0fa6fd77db1a76a28203, line 864, in render_master Module 4d4bd35e64d7d7933502ed748132966d, line 357, in fill_content Module 5a91f82f687e0fa6fd77db1a76a28203, line 1526, in render_content Module 4d4bd35e64d7d7933502ed748132966d, line 343, in fill_main Module 3bf485c00acbcfc52d5a6ad7b9f4060b, line 638, in __fill_prefs_configlet_main chameleon.exc.ExpressionError: chameleon.exc.ExpressionError: $ must be doubled or followed by a simple path

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petschki commented 1 year ago

duplication of ... fixed in version 3.0.3