collective / collective.lazysizes

Integration of lazysizes, a lightweight lazy loader, into Plone.
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Lazyload images outside div#content #4

Closed cekk closed 8 years ago

cekk commented 8 years ago

I'm trying lazysizes on a customer's site where we have some contents with a big header image in a section outside the main content (before it). The transform doesn't take care about it because it isn't inside the div content.

I think that you start searching images and scripts (in transformIterable method) from the div "content" for a reason. If we extend the lazysizes to all the body could it be a problem? Some performance degradation for the transform?

hvelarde commented 8 years ago

I tried that at some point just to realize that the perception was worst: content above the fold must be displayed from the very beginning, there's no gain on lazy loading there.

that's why Google PageSpeed Insights recommends to prioritize visible content by avoiding additional network round trips to render the above the fold content of the page.