collective / collective.lineage

Turns subfolders of a Plone site to appear as autonomous Plone sites
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Installing Lineage on Plone 4.3 messes up header viewlet ordering #17

Open davidjb opened 11 years ago

davidjb commented 11 years ago

Upon install on Plone 4.3, Lineage messes up the ordering of viewlets in plone.portalheader.

Before install

plone.skip_links plone.personal_bar plone.searchbox plone.logo plone.global_sections

After install

collective.lineage.switcher plone.global_sections plone.logo plone.personal_bar plone.searchbox plone.skip_links

Seems this might be related to lineage trying to add its viewlet after a viewlet that's no longer in that viewlet manager (eg plone.site_actions has moved), but seems like a Plone bug if that's the case.

Any thoughts?

cdw9 commented 10 years ago

I've also seen this happen. We can probably just remove the viewlets.xml, and let users determine where the switcher should appear (with instructions on how to do this). By default, it should just show up at the bottom of plone.portalheader

cyan317 commented 9 years ago

Can anyone teach me how to fix the problem?