collective / collective.nitf

A Dexterity-based content type inspired on the News Industry Text Format specification
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Prevent Galleria error if NITF has no image #91

Closed marcosfromero closed 10 years ago

marcosfromero commented 10 years ago

Don't know how to test that some text doesn't appears after some time. I can wait until some text appears. I can just wait for some time and check that the text didn't show up, but that wouldn't be a real test. The browser could be slow.

hvelarde commented 10 years ago

here you have an example:

    ${TIMEOUT} =  Get Selenium timeout
    ${IMPLICIT_WAIT} =  Get Selenium implicit wait
    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  ${TIMEOUT}  ${IMPLICIT_WAIT}
    ...                          Page Should Not Contain  Some Unwanted Text