collective / collective.recipe.solrinstance

Buildout recipe to configure a Solr instance
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Able to run buildout without breaking the running solr instance (#12) #18

Closed Jc2k closed 11 years ago

Jc2k commented 11 years ago

This PR fixes #12.

As I said in the ticket, update() doesn't really do anything useful. It's handy if you want your recipe to run every time, but if you only want it to run when the part settings have changed then you only want the install() method.

This isn't enough because the uninstall()/install() is called every buildout (if you use it direct from git) or at least every time you change the schema or other part settings. So I don't tell buildout which files I created (to avoid its auto-uninstall code) and I now use a variant of copysolr that is safe to run over and over again, so that install is non-destructive.

davidjb commented 11 years ago

Awesome, thanks. Tested and working nicely. Added an entry to the change log as well here regarding the fix.