collective / collective.saml2

Installation of SAML2 web single-sign-on for Plone (dm.zope.saml2)
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Rename product #14

Open wesleybl opened 3 weeks ago

wesleybl commented 3 weeks ago

The name collective.saml2 is in use in pypi:

But it was not generated using collective code. It looks like it was generated using:

The package that is in pypi today is broken. To see:

@hai-bui-kkday, the owner of collective.saml2 in pypi is missing from github. So I have no hope that he can add someone from the collective as a pypi maintainer.

To place the collective code in pypi, the remaining option is to rename the product. I suggest collective_saml2. Another suggestion? Can anyone rename the product on github? I can make a PR by renaming the package.

CC @djay @mauritsvanrees @ericof @davisagli @jensens

jensens commented 3 weeks ago

I would add @polyester here.

I think there is a process to "take over" PyPI community packages? Who knows details?

djay commented 3 weeks ago

@wesleybl crap. I thought I had released it on pypi previously :( my bad.

BTW. In order to get a working python 3 release it really should have tests. Something I've started but haven't had a chance to finish and would welcome any help with.

djay commented 3 weeks ago

The process is outlined in As far as I can see it doesn't count as an invalid project unless somehow uploading from a fork is against the terms of use but it does count is discontinued if it can be demonstrated he is uncontactable. He's probably left that company but I haven't found another page for him yet. I'll try emailing him myself and if nothing open the request.

changing the name is a bad idea. it just creates confusion.

EDIT: request submitted

wesleybl commented 3 weeks ago

The process is outlined in

@djay cool! I didn't know there was a process for this. However, it appears that it is not effective. I saw requests made over a year ago and they were not answered. Therefore I would still consider renaming the product.

Did you email the owner?

djay commented 3 weeks ago

Yes you have to show proof of contact to submit the request