collective / collective.solr

Solr search engine integration for Plone
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New release 5.0.0 #109

Closed maethu closed 8 years ago

maethu commented 8 years ago

I would really appreciate a new release of collective.solr!

  1. We could go ahead with several open PR's
  2. I'm able to port more features from ftw.solr to collective.solr.
  3. No deployments from master branch anymore :fearful: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Or someone may giving me access on pypi to the repo and I'm gonna make a new release (4.2.0).

\cc @do3cc @tisto

do3cc commented 8 years ago

Your pypi username please :-)

tisto commented 8 years ago

I will do a release over the weekend...

tisto commented 8 years ago

@maethu I was planing to do a 4.2 release today. Though, I still hesitate because of the atomic update feature. That might be a breaking change that requires a 5.0 release. I need to run at least a few tests with existing instances before I can make a release. Will try to find time tomorrow.

Just to be sure, after this release we need to:

maethu commented 8 years ago


Well, you need to update the solr conf and do a full reindex only if you want to profit from the atomic update feature. IMHO this does not break the compatibility with prev. version (4.1.x). But you're still right that this requires a 5.0 release. Because Integrators has to do some work on their buildout (version pinnings / change solr config) if they want to gain all features. Just update to the new version is definitely no enough. It's also more likely that people are going to read the new instructions more carefully, because of the major release.

tisto commented 8 years ago

@maethu I just tested c.solr master on a project with 5 solr cores, lots of data and about 500 lines of Solr buildout configuration. Had to upgrade c.solr, run the upgrade step, amend buildout configuration (we are still on c.r.solrinstance 5.x) and run a reindex. Looks good so far.

Though, I think we should go though the docs before making a 5.0 release and make sure they are up to date. Maybe we should add some troubleshooting instructions as well, so people do not get frustrated on the upgrade. Will try to find time over the weekend...

jone commented 8 years ago

As we have more and more productive deployments with the newest solr (master) it would be great to have a pypi release. It could be a beta release, if the docs are not ready yet.

tisto commented 8 years ago

@jone will do a release today!

jone commented 8 years ago

@tisto Thanks for the release! ✨

maethu commented 8 years ago


tomgross commented 8 years ago

I guess this is done:

maethu commented 8 years ago

@tisto Thanks for the 5.0 release. It's now deployed on the capital city website of Switzerland -> With collective.solr as base, we were able to implement a well received search service for this website.


There are also several new features we've implemented for, which are available in ftw.solr. I'm gonna try to port them into collective.solr soon.

Thanks again!!

tisto commented 8 years ago

@maethu Awesome!!! I'm looking forward to see more ftw.solr feature pull requests!