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get rid of None values in prepareData @collective.solr/src/collective/solr/ #276

Open zmijunkie opened 3 years ago

zmijunkie commented 3 years ago

Hi - I just made prepareData(data) on my computer leave like this:

# get rid of None values
filtered = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v is not None}

Does this make sense for anybody else ? My usecase is: I have a plentyful of attibutes and want to store only these with are not None. Also I found it weird to store Strings in Solr with a value of "None" but YUMV ?

thx for your input, Sascha

tisto commented 1 year ago

@reebalazs could this be related to your investigations regarding Null values in c.solr? Just wondering...