collective / collective.solr

Solr search engine integration for Plone
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Cleared list-field still got values in solr-index #287

Closed adrianschulz closed 3 years ago

adrianschulz commented 3 years ago

I noticed some bug where cleared lists won't get updated (cleared) in solr. They still have the same values as before in solr. On our page it affects all collective.taxonomy indices as well as the tags-field.

Steps to reproduce (collecitve.solr with commit b3656b54c84d2d3a58f9b04be2a3dea083e87b71 )

  1. Install requirements and run buildout
  2. Start instance and setup site
  3. Install collective.solr and enable solr in solr-settings (control panel)
  4. Add a document with multiple tags (in plone)
  5. Have look at solr -> the document got all the tags (solr-field Subject)
  6. Remove the tags on the document (in plone)
  7. Have look at solr -> the document still got all the tags although we removed them.

Syncing the index (control panel) does remove the tags in solr. But clearing the index and reindexing the whole site (control panel) does. So this is the only workaround (but slow).