collective / collective.taskqueue

Asyncore-based asynchronous task queue for Plone
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Typo? #15

Closed gforcada closed 5 years ago

gforcada commented 8 years ago

Without this change the Generic Setup profile refuses to install.

@datakurre I'm not sure if that's the proper fix, I was getting this traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gil/.buildout/eggs/zope.testrunner-4.4.4-py2.7.egg/zope/testrunner/", line 400, in run_layer
    setup_layer(options, layer, setup_layers)
  File "/home/gil/.buildout/eggs/zope.testrunner-4.4.4-py2.7.egg/zope/testrunner/", line 708, in setup_layer
    setup_layer(options, base, setup_layers)
  File "/home/gil/.buildout/eggs/zope.testrunner-4.4.4-py2.7.egg/zope/testrunner/", line 713, in setup_layer
  File "/home/gil/.buildout/eggs/", line 343, in setUp
  File "/home/gil/Documents/freitag/git/zope/src/der.freitag/src/der/freitag/", line 309, in setUpPloneSite
    applyProfile(portal, 'der.freitag:default')
  File "/home/gil/.buildout/eggs/", line 113, in applyProfile
  File "/home/gil/.buildout/eggs/Products.GenericSetup-1.7.7-py2.7.egg/Products/GenericSetup/", line 365, in runAllImportStepsFromProfile
   - __traceback_info__: profile-der.freitag:default
  File "/home/gil/.buildout/eggs/Products.GenericSetup-1.7.7-py2.7.egg/Products/GenericSetup/", line 1184, in _runImportStepsFromContext
    message = self._doRunImportStep(step, context)
  File "/home/gil/.buildout/eggs/Products.GenericSetup-1.7.7-py2.7.egg/Products/GenericSetup/", line 1095, in _doRunImportStep
    return handler(context)
   - __traceback_info__: taskqueue-pasplugin
  File "/home/gil/Documents/freitag/git/zope/src/collective.taskqueue/src/collective/taskqueue/pasplugin/", line 43, in configureTaskQueueAuthPlugin
AttributeError: manage_addTaskQueueAuthPlugin
datakurre commented 8 years ago

@gforcada I'll have to take an another look on this – holding this for some time. The current implementation works when directly installed, so I need to test it and figure out, what's special in installit it as metadata dependency (and why your fix makes it work).

datakurre commented 5 years ago

@gforcada I’m sorry for forgetting this :(

gforcada commented 5 years ago

@datakurre no problem, I did as well, and while looking at my open pull requests I thought of closing it, as it is working for us since 2016, so there's no pressure at all to get this fixed anytime soon :sweat_smile:

datakurre commented 5 years ago

@gforcada FWIW we don’t have upgrade path for this for Python 3 yet. My plan is to try rewriting ZServer on top of aiohttp or Twisted, but I lost my timeslot for trying that last summer and haven’t got new one yet :/

ZServer, because I’m not yet convinced of any async solutions for WSGI.