I have a controlpanel with a DictRow that uses a schema with a choice field:
class IConfigExample(Interface):
name = schema.TextLine(title=u'a simple TextLine')
a_choice = schema.Choice(
title=u'please choose your favorite number',
['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine']
class IControlPanelExample(Interface):
config_list = schema.List(
value_type=DictRow(title=u'tablerow', schema=IConfigExample),
default=[{'name': 'test', 'a_choice': 'seven'}],
After update to Plone6 I get an error while saving the control_panel:
Traceback (innermost last):
Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 181, in transaction_pubevents
Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 390, in publish_module
Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 285, in publish
Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 85, in mapply
Module ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher, line 68, in call_object
Module plone.z3cform.layout, line 61, in __call__
Module plone.z3cform.layout, line 45, in update
Module plone.z3cform.fieldsets.extensible, line 62, in update
Module plone.z3cform.patch, line 31, in GroupForm_update
Module z3c.form.group, line 145, in update
Module plone.app.z3cform.csrf, line 21, in execute
Module z3c.form.action, line 98, in execute
Module z3c.form.button, line 301, in __call__
Module z3c.form.button, line 159, in __call__
Module plone.app.registry.browser.controlpanel, line 60, in handleSave
Module z3c.form.group, line 114, in applyChanges
Module z3c.form.form, line 51, in applyChanges
Module z3c.form.datamanager, line 91, in set
Module plone.registry.recordsproxy, line 60, in __setattr__
Module plone.registry.registry, line 51, in __setitem__
Module plone.registry.record, line 82, in _set_value
Module zope.schema._bootstrapfields, line 295, in validate
Module zope.schema._field, line 772, in _validate
zope.schema._bootstrapinterfaces.WrongContainedType: ([ConstraintNotSatisfied(('six',), 'a_choice')], 'value')
I have a controlpanel with a DictRow that uses a schema with a choice field:
After update to Plone6 I get an error while saving the control_panel:
is a tuple (e.g.('six',)
) which can not be successfully valided. Maybe this is the reason for the tuple: https://github.com/zopefoundation/z3c.form/blob/master/src/z3c/form/widget.py#L245I have collective.z3cform.datagridfield 3.0.0 and Plone 6.0.3.
How can I work around or fix this issue?