collective / collective.z3cform.norobots

collective.z3cform.norobots provides a "human" captcha widget based on a list of questions/answers.
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includeDependencies is not a thing in Plone 6 anymore #20

Open Rudd-O opened 2 years ago

Rudd-O commented 2 years ago
Dec 26 03:48:29 ring2-plonedev frontend[178911]: zope.configuration.exceptions.ConfigurationError: ('Unknown directive', '', 'includeDependencies')
Dec 26 03:48:29 ring2-plonedev frontend[178911]:     File "/home/user/optplone/deployments/601a/parts/frontend/etc/site.zcml", line 16.2-16.23
Dec 26 03:48:29 ring2-plonedev frontend[178911]:     File "/home/user/optplone/buildout-cache/eggs/cp38/Products.CMFPlone-6.0.0a2-py3.8.egg/Products/CMFPlone/configure.zcml", line 16.2-16.44
Dec 26 03:48:29 ring2-plonedev frontend[178911]:     File "/home/user/optplone/buildout-cache/eggs/cp38/", line 31.6-31.55
Dec 26 03:48:29 ring2-plonedev frontend[178911]:     File "/home/user/optplone/deployments/601a/src/collective.z3cform.norobots/src/collective/z3cform/norobots/configure.zcml", line 12.2
Dec 26 03:48:33 ring2-plonedev frontend[178916]: 2021-12-26 03:48:33,250 INFO    [chameleon.config:38][MainThread] directory cache: /home/user/srvplone/601a/var/cache.

As a result, even using the git master branch in projects does not work.

Please fix. Thanks.

1letter commented 2 years ago

There is fixed in PR