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Refactor Package with plone/meta - introduce only Plone 6 support #26

Open 1letter opened 1 month ago

1letter commented 1 month ago

i think a new release is needed. Only for Plone 6 and higher.

some things should be do:

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MrTango commented 3 weeks ago

I'm not so sure that i would remove buildout at this point, for development setups. It is robust and well known. There is not much advantages in change this here. But if you change it, make sure that it is very clear how to do all the things we use to be able to do with a traditional setup. So far i have seen a bit of a wild west in new buildout free setups. We need well documented and tested standards here. When we reach this point, we could also rework the plonecli templates to use the new approach. But i would like to see it really working well for a while, before going there.

1letter commented 3 weeks ago

@MrTango is there a roadmap for the switch? I see the plone/meta config in many packages of the namespace. Plone's containers are pip-based. I didn't know what the right way was. I use pip based setups with mxdev in all my packages and have no problems. but this is a discussion with religious potential ;-)

MrTango commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, i had a look at the current meta setup, looks good and is recommended also for addons. If everything works and the README points the developers in the right direction, all good. I'll have a closer look and play with it as soon as i can. Eventually, this will become also standard for addons made by plonecli. But I'm not in a hurry with it. Let's battle proof it before we do that.

1letter commented 3 weeks ago

@MrTango i have setup a matrix, see my comment here