collective / dexterity.membrane

enables dexterity content items to be used as users and groups in Plone sites
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@@change_password not working when use_uuid_as_userid is enabled. #1

Closed saily closed 11 years ago

saily commented 11 years ago

This happens, because @@change_password validates current password through testCurrentPassword in Products/PlonePAS/tools/

userid=self.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserId() gives the UUID not username and therefore the following authentication plugins / adapters will fail or return False.

i did some deep debugging, but didn't find a workaround :-(

mauritsvanrees commented 11 years ago

This is a bug in Products.PlonePAS. I have fixed it there.

Should end up in Products.PlonePAS 4.0.14 in Plone 4.2.3.