The i18ndude would not catch msgid "mandatory_fields_marked_with_asterik", because there is a ancestor element with tal:replace="nothing". The intention might be correct, but there might be still translatable msgids in the template. If there is a better approach for having macros with detectable msgids integrated, please let me know.
I'm using i18ndude version 4.4.0. Reading the CHANGES.rst do not hint at a fix for this issue.
Please see the following example (
The i18ndude would not catch msgid "mandatory_fields_marked_with_asterik", because there is a ancestor element with tal:replace="nothing". The intention might be correct, but there might be still translatable msgids in the template. If there is a better approach for having macros with detectable msgids integrated, please let me know.
I'm using i18ndude version 4.4.0. Reading the CHANGES.rst do not hint at a fix for this issue.