collective / pas.plugins.ldap

Zope (and Plone) PAS Plugin providing users and groups from LDAP directory
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User data is not written to plone 6 #117

Closed rogerborges closed 1 year ago

rogerborges commented 1 year ago

I installed the plugin, I was able to authenticate in LDAP but the data is not written to plone. When I click on user preferences: ERROR [pas.plugins.ldap:93][waitress-0] LDAPError in enumerateUsers. Also WARNING [Products.CMFPlone:99][waitress-3] Skipped user without principal object: rogerborges. Login as admin and don't have "rogerborges" user data in Plone.

Plone 6 with Volto pas.plugins.ldap==1.8.2 Plone 6.0.0b2 Zope 5.6 Python 3.9.13

jensens commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I do not understand the exact problem, can you provide more information/ context please?

rogerborges commented 1 year ago

The problem is that it authenticates normally through ldap but does not store the user in the plone database (users in Plone)

jensens commented 1 year ago

It is not the idea to store the user in Plone. The user must not exist as a standard Plone user!

Thus said, you can add additional user data that exists in Plone only (layered property sheets). Depending on order the layers are defined in PAS even overriding of values is possible.