collective / pas.plugins.ldap

Zope (and Plone) PAS Plugin providing users and groups from LDAP directory
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pas.plugins.ldap shows up as 3 three profiles #9

Closed chaoflow closed 7 years ago

chaoflow commented 10 years ago

Creating a new plone site, I see 3 pas.plugin.ldap profiles - there should only be one:

 Dexterity Content Types
Configures various components needed for full Dexterity support.
 Diazo theme support
Installs a control panel to allow on-the-fly theming with Diazo
 HTTP caching support
 LDAP Plugin for PAS - Configure YAFOWIL resource groups.
Extension profile for pas.plugins.ldap YAFOWIL Integration.
 LDAP Plugin for PAS - Plone Integration
Extension profile for pas.plugins.ldap Plone Integration.
 LDAP Plugin for PAS - Zope 2 Base Installation
Extension profile for pas.plugins.ldap Zope Base.
 OpenID Authentication Support
Adds support for authenticating with OpenID credentials in a Plone site
 Session refresh support
Optional plone.session refresh support.
 Workflow Policy Support (CMFPlacefulWorkflow) - no core types dependency
Add in Plone the capability to change workflow chains for types in every object. With no dependency on core Plone types.
 Working Copy Support (Iterate)
Adds working copy support (aka. in-place staging) to Plone.
 YAFOWIL Form Library
YAFOWIL - Yet Another Form Widget Library - Integration for Plone.
 YAFOWIL Form Library Demo Profile
YAFOWIL - Yet Another Form Widget Library - Demo Setup.
 YAFOWIL Form Library Demo Resource Integration Profile
YAFOWIL - Yet Another Form Widget Library - Demo Resources.
jensens commented 10 years ago

Right, it would be great to hide all but "LDAP Plugin for PAS - Plone Integration".

rnixx commented 7 years ago

Products.CMFPlone.interfaces.installable.INonInstallable is implemented in the meantime