collective / pas.plugins.oidc

PAS plugin for OpenID Connect authentication
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Userinfo #24

Open mamico opened 1 year ago

mamico commented 1 year ago

Management of user properties from oidc userinfo.

Widely inspired by and

The idea could be to also implement IUserEnumeration on the implemented properties storage ( and completely eliminate the code related to the creation of a user ( in the source_users storage.

@erral @mauritsvanrees opinions on this?

coveralls commented 1 year ago

Pull Request Test Coverage Report for Build 4769297553

Changes Missing Coverage Covered Lines Changed/Added Lines %
src/pas/plugins/oidc/ 2 5 40.0%
src/pas/plugins/oidc/browser/ 1 11 9.09%
src/pas/plugins/oidc/ 57 72 79.17%
<!-- Total: 60 88 68.18% -->
Files with Coverage Reduction New Missed Lines %
src/pas/plugins/oidc/ 2 68.85%
src/pas/plugins/oidc/browser/ 4 29.8%
<!-- Total: 6 -->
Totals Coverage Status
Change from base Build 4612745312: 3.7%
Covered Lines: 282
Relevant Lines: 491

💛 - Coveralls
erral commented 1 year ago

The idea of persisting the user properties in the plugin itself is great, I have used it in the past when developing "login with facebook" or "login with twitter" (in the pre-oauth-era).

I would add some documentation about the userinfo_to_memberdata field with some examples on how to fill that, but it's OK from my side.

mauritsvanrees commented 1 year ago

The idea could be to also implement IUserEnumeration on the implemented properties storage ( and completely eliminate the code related to the creation of a user ( in the source_users storage.

I think that could work, yes, and make things a bit simpler. But maybe first try the current code from this PR out for a while.

mauritsvanrees commented 6 months ago

I tried this PR out in combination with LDAP, and there it is working fine for our use case. Let me share all my notes.

On a test site (Plone Classic UI 6.0.8, Python 3.11) we have pas.plugins.oidc (2.0.0a1) and pas.plugins.ldap (p6 branch). How can we let them work together?

You could wonder if LDAP is even still needed in this case. But with the current oidc plugin, you only get information for users who have authenticated. For the moment, I think we want all users, so LDAP is still needed.

Note: in our setup, we want to handle groups in Plone, and are not interested in what we get here from either LDAP or oidc.

Some settings:

Sample oidc userinfo that we get from Keycloak:

[('sub', 'abcd717d-1234-4567-1234-1212af041212'),
 ('email_verified', False),
 ('name', 'Maurits van Rees'),
 ('preferred_username', 'ma.vanrees'),
 ('given_name', 'Maurits'),
 ('family_name', 'van Rees'),
 ('email', '')]

The fullname that I get from LDAP is actually slightly different: "Maurits van Rees (ext)", for external.

Initially with this setup, I got two users, one with and one without "ext" in the fullname One was from LDAP, with user id 'ma.vanrees', one from oidc, with as user id the id from the "sub" property.

So I removed the user with the sub id from acl_users/source_users, and updated the oidc plugin settings with user_property_as_userid=preferred_username. Login again with oidc, and only the existing ma.vanrees user remain.

One problem though: whenever I login with oidc, this plugin calls user.setProperties and this calls the LDAP plugin which tries to set properties in LDAP, and this fails. In the background you get an 'Insufficient access' error from LDAP. The error is ignored though, so you don't really notice.

So now let's check how the current PR influences the situation. Okay, switch to this branch, restart, apply the upgrade step.

Now the insufficient access error is gone. Why? Because when calling setProperties PlonePAS goes through all property sheets in order, and tries to set a property. Once a property (say the fullname) is set, PlonePAS no longer tries to set it in any further property sheets. So once it reaches the LDAP property sheet, no properties are left to be set, so there is no error.

So now for fun you can play with the order of the properties plugins in /Plone/acl_users/plugins/manage_plugins. If pasldap is on the top, I see "Maurits van Rees (ext)" as fullname. Moving oidc to the top I see "Maurits van Rees" as fullname. And as long as pasldap is below the standard mutable_properties, I do not get the LDAP error during login.

I was also testing the new "Mapping from userinfo to memberdata property" from this PR:

So it works. Thanks!

It could use some tests, and documentation. Oh, and the file in this PR is unused.

mamico commented 6 months ago

@mauritsvanrees thanks!

It could use some tests, and documentation.

I need to learn the new tests introduced by Erico. But I think I can make up some time this weekend.