collective / volto-hydra

A volto addon to let you edit content in realtime when you have many frontends written in any framework
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Edit text block inline #97

Open MAX-786 opened 1 week ago

MAX-786 commented 1 week ago

Fixes #28 , #29 #5


MAX-786 commented 1 week ago

currently you can add/remove text inline YAY! :) Next is which is serious part, is able to change its format and enabling pressing enter on keyboard will do stuff conditionally.

djay commented 1 week ago

Nice. I really should work out how to setup deployments for feature branches.

I think you can work on selection and formatting in another pr?

MAX-786 commented 1 week ago

Yepp Surely, I'll just document some findings here then we'll be ready to move it.

MAX-786 commented 1 week ago

Things getting complex now so I am just gonna write a comment here so I remember what approach I used for the problem i faced so if we decided to change things or are unhappy with results we can comeback here for a revision.

So the first tough part was to keep track of nodeIds nd marking the whole formData was too expensive task nd so I decided it to mark only that object with selected block id at a time.

Moreover, it needs to be pointed out that numbering of HTML nodes at frontend side should be in preorder fashion i.e. mark the parent and then mark its children one by one till u reach the leaf node then its immediate parent's neighbour then it's children till u reach its leaf node and so on. Something like:

    "@type": "slate",
    "plaintext": " Plone is a content managemen...",
    "value": [
            "children": [
                    "text": "",
                    "nodeId": 2
                    "children": [
                            "text": "Plone",
                            "nodeId": 4
                    "data": {
                        "url": ""
                    "type": "link",
                    "nodeId": 3
                    "text": " is a content managemen... ",
                    "nodeId": 5
            "type": "p",
            "nodeId": 1
    "nodeId": 0

And also, the very confusing part was keeping the formData from adminUI and frontend (hydra.js) at sync and the update should be asynchronous otherwise collisions were creating unexpected results. So, I decided to stop sending the data from adminUI to frontend whenever inline-editing is started and set a focusout listener on selected block's div to resume sending the data from adminui to frontend.

djay commented 1 week ago

Not sure I fully understand but if i think what it means is that yes, once someone starts editing text inline then it's a special mode where the nodeids get rendered. And if the user is making changes then those get sent back but there shouldn't be a need for full updates to the whole page during that time. As soon as the inline loses focuses then it should leave this mode and go back to normal whole page updating.

Means you only need to keep track of the nodeids for a limited time. If they lose focus and do something in the sidebar then you don't have to keep track anymore.

MAX-786 commented 1 week ago

As soon as the inline loses focuses then it should leave this mode and go back to normal whole page updating.

Yepp, this is what happening, opps I just saw i forgot to attach a demo video. I will do it right away so it will be more clear.

djay commented 1 week ago

@MAX-786 as discussed on the meeting requiring the integrator to use a algorithm to number the nodes is not very friendly. We always are aiming for the simplest to explain instructions to the integrator. So I think you need some mechanism where the integrator gets the node IDs given to them. Might be easier to think of them as uuid. We also discussed how when the admin UI creates a new node, like making something bold, the id for that has to come from somewhere. It probably makes sense the id is generated on the adminui side? I'm sure you will work out the right way to do it when you get bold working.

djay commented 1 week ago

@MAX-786 remember to write out the developer instructions in the readme as you go rather than at the end. It makes it easier to review since the readme is how we measure the DX. And also it helps you think about it it's as easy as it could be.

MAX-786 commented 5 days ago

We always are aiming for the simplest to explain instructions to the integrator. So I think you need some mechanism where the integrator gets the node IDs given to them. Might be easier to think of them as uuid.

So, to find a way to lesser the work for integrator, once the nodeids are added to the json to the selectedBlock, I am calling the callback which was given to onEditChange for live updates . LIke:

   * Method to add border, ADD button and Quanta toolbar to the selected block
   * @param {Element} blockElement - Block element with the data-block-uid attribute
  selectBlock(blockElement) {
    // Remove border and button from the previously selected block
    if (this.currentlySelectedBlock) {
    const blockUid = blockElement.getAttribute('data-block-uid');
    this.selectedBlockUid = blockUid;

    if (this.formData) {
      this.formData.blocks[blockUid] = this.addNodeIds(
      this.setDataCallback(this.formData); // updating frontend data with nodeIds data

What it does is that now frontend components will have access to nodeIds through data too. So, instead of adding a counter for nodeIds themselves, they can now use opitonal chaining to access nodeIds from data itself, like if they are using Slate to render txt block:

const SlateBlock = ({ value }) => {
  const editor = React.useMemo(() => withReact(withHistory(createEditor())), []);
  const renderElement = ({ attributes, children, element }) => {
    if (element.type === "link") {
      return (
        <a href={} {...attributes} data-hydra-node={`${element?.nodeId}`}> // No need for the counter, now it is given by hydra.js itself

    const Tag = element.type;
    return <Tag {...attributes} data-hydra-node={`${element?.nodeId}`}>{children}</Tag>;

  const renderLeaf = ({ attributes, children }) => {
    return <span {...attributes} data-hydra-node={`${children.props.leaf?.nodeId}`}>{children}</span>; // similarly for the leaf node

  const initialValue = value || [{ type: "p", children: [{ text: "" }] }];
  editor.children = initialValue;
  return (
    <Slate editor={editor} initialValue={initialValue}>
      <Editable renderElement={renderElement} renderLeaf={renderLeaf} readOnly />
MAX-786 commented 5 days ago

@djay I have updated readme, Can you please check readme and see if DX looks understandable and doable or not?

MAX-786 commented 5 days ago

@JeffersonBledsoe I updated the lockfile and yet it gives the error :(

I found something relevant to this ig Is there any easy way to fix it?