collectiveaccess / providence

Cataloguing and data/media management application
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Media import matching to idno where identifier starts with value #1464

Closed jjs6791 closed 1 year ago

jjs6791 commented 1 year ago

I have an object with idno 2372

I uploaded two files to the import directory, 2372.jpg and 2372_a.jpg

In my advanced options I have the matching set up to Match using file name where identifier starts with value.

When I execute the media import, file 2372 works fine and is added to object idno 2372.

However, it says it skipped 2372_a.jpg because it could not be matched

There are two others saying they are having the same issue

I am on the develop branch as of 2 weeks ago. This commit/point in time:

jjs6791 commented 1 year ago

Apologies, I misread this and see the file name should be matching the start of the idno, not the other way around.