collectiveaccess / providence

Cataloguing and data/media management application
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Object_lot_x_object relationship not present for import to ca_object_lots #1480

Closed MRMarchivist closed 1 year ago

MRMarchivist commented 1 year ago

dev/php8 branch

When digitizing and importing a mass of historical accession records via import to ca_object_lots, I was able to find a relationship type for object lot <=> collections but not objects. The import worked but related archival objects weren't attached because of this.

DEBUG shows the following:

2023-08-09 10:58:05 - DEBUG --> [testington] Found existing object 00200.0.1 in DataMigrationUtils::_getID() 2023-08-09 10:58:05 - ERROR --> Relationship type is missing for ca_objects relationship

Is the relationship supposed to be missing? If so, how do I attach them to the appropriate object lot?

kehh commented 1 year ago

Objects have a direct link to object lots through the lot_id field if I recall correctly. So you should be able to map directly to lot_id using a splitter refinery.

Monica-Wood commented 1 year ago

This was raised in the chat room. @MRMarchivist I am assuming mapping your ca_object_lots mapping to ca_objects.lot_id using the objectSplitter refinery didn't work?

MRMarchivist commented 1 year ago

This was raised in the chat room. @MRMarchivist I am assuming mapping your ca_object_lots mapping to ca_objects.lot_id using the objectSplitter refinery didn't work?

I'm unsure how to use the objectSplitter without the relationship type, so I have held off in case I break my mapping somehow. If it's the case that I can just do this as lot_id and then the relationship-less splitter, I'll go ahead and do that.

EDIT: I just attempted this and it still didn't work. I imagine most people don't mass import their accession records this way, but it would be really handy to be able to import all relationships at once, since we have well over a thousand to process.

Monica-Wood commented 1 year ago

@collectiveaccess are you able to confirm/deny if you're able to use the objectSplitter from an object_lots mapping?

collectiveaccess commented 1 year ago

You cannot. Objects have to be set to a lot, not the other way around.

MRMarchivist commented 1 year ago

You cannot. Objects have to be set to a lot, not the other way around.

Thank you for confirming that. I will use sets to corral them!