collectiveaccess / providence

Cataloguing and data/media management application
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add rank to site pages #1534

Closed Monica-Wood closed 4 months ago

Monica-Wood commented 5 months ago

Enable the ability to sort menu items, or content pulled into other pages.

collectiveaccess commented 5 months ago

What exactly is this needed for?

Monica-Wood commented 5 months ago

So you can determine the order that pages show up. Currently you can only show them based on the the order they are created. If you create a new one and need it to show between 2 existing, then you can't set this. Examples are generated menus, or in my case I am generating cards on the front page (and I will also create index pages for other page types) with media and blurb that link off to the full content page.

collectiveaccess commented 5 months ago

The pages are accessed by URL on the front-end. There is no order. I guess you're using these on the back-end in a menu?

Monica-Wood commented 5 months ago

I am using php code to collect all site pages of a certain template and outputing the media and first bit of the page content into a bootstrap card. This then links off to the page itself. But I cannot control the exact order these pages are returned, this allows to put a 'sort' => 'rank' into the find call.

Here is the top snippet from my code I am using in Pawtucket on the front_page_html.php

$t_site_templates = new ca_site_templates(array("template_code" => "About_Collection_Page"));
if($vn_collection_template_id = $t_site_templates->get("ca_site_templates.template_id")){
        $q_collections = ca_site_pages::find(array('template_id' => $vn_collection_template_id), array('returnAs' => 'searchResult', 'sort' => 'rank', 'checkAccess' => $va_access_values));
        if($q_collections->numHits() > 0){
            $va_collections = array();

It can also be used to generate menus that link off to site pages created, so admins don't have to add new menu links every time a page is made. It allows for dynamic creation of content.

EDIT: I Imagine it would also be useful to determine the order the Providence Help Pages show up in the menu too.

Monica-Wood commented 4 months ago

Is there anything you would like me to change to have this accepted?

Monica-Wood commented 4 months ago

Thank you