collectiveidea / delayed_job

Database based asynchronous priority queue system -- Extracted from Shopify
MIT License
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Forking Launcher #1138

Open johnnyshields opened 3 years ago

johnnyshields commented 3 years ago

Forking Launcher



I will be running this in production at TableCheck for a few weeks in the meantime where we process 100,000+ jobs of all kinds per day (mailers, SMS, payments, search indexing, etc.) across many worker servers.

What does this PR do?

This PR makes two "Launcher" modes for Delayed Job:

  1. Current / default: use the Daemons gem to run as detached background progresses
  2. New: run with new --fork option to fork workers from parent process in the foreground.

"Fork mode" will only fork when using more than one worker, i.e. set by the --number-of-workers or --pools args. If only one worker, it runs a Delayed::Worker in the same process without forking.

This PR is a redux of


It makes it much easier to use Delayed Job inside containers (Docker, etc.). Using daemons has several undesirable behaviors when running inside a container:

The new --fork option solves this by running workers in a foreground process tree. When using --fork the daemons gem is not required.


I've added a new Delayed::Command#launch method. My intention is to switch to this in the generator for new installs in the next major version, because really forking should be the default and daemons should be a special option, especially in our increasingly container-based world. Here's what it looks like:

# uses daemonize by default, but allows `--fork` switch to override

# uses fork by default, but allows `-d` / `--daemonize` switch to override


Fork mode does not yet support restart, stop etc. commands; it is always assumed to be start. You can gracefully stop it with SIGINT or SIGTERM. Commands can be added in a future PR.

About the Refactor

I split off the code in Delayed::Launcher::Daemonized from Delayed::Command. Following the SRP, Delayed::Command is now only responsible for parsing the CLI args, and the Launcher class is responsible for actually running the app. From there, I wrote a Delayed::Launcher::Forking class, but in the end I discovered much of the code can be shared with the Daemonized class, so I extracted out a Delayed::Launcher::Base parent class for both Launcher types.

A nice side effect of this PR is that we can now connect the Rake task to the Launcher rather than to the Worker class, and enable things like multiple workers and pools on Rake. (Rake and script/delayed are now unified; this is something which was always mysterious to me as a long time user.)


This PR includes #1139 (fix tests) and #1140 (cleanup

In addition, there are several quality of life improvements added to the Command script:

The Rake script has also been enhanced:

I'd be happy to split some of these into extra PRs but given the amount of spec coverage I've added it's probably fine to merge as is.

johnnyshields commented 3 years ago

@albus522 can you review the code on this PR? I'd like to ask about the general direction and whether you'd consider merging this.

johnnyshields commented 3 years ago

@albus522 what steps can I take to get this merged?

johnnyshields commented 3 years ago

@albus522 thank you for your feedback.

Can you please take a quick look at PRs #1139 (CI fix) and #1140 (Changelog)? From there I'll be happy to break this one into a series of smaller PRs.

johnnyshields commented 3 years ago

Update: we are now running this branch at TableCheck in production on Kubernetes, serving 100,000+ jobs per day of various kinds (mailers, report generation, payment processing, cache computation, data warehousing, etc.)

johnnyshields commented 3 years ago

Update: we've now run this branch continually for one month with no issues.

johnnyshields commented 3 years ago

@albus522 if you are unavailable to help get this merged, would it be possible to designate someone else in the Delayed Job community to review? I'll be glad to break this in a series smaller PRs, but I need someone to give me a reasonable amount of attention to do that.

hmistry commented 3 years ago

@johnnyshields Will this new fork method also work for JRuby applications? I'm currently converting an app to use JRuby and cannot run script/delayed_job becausedaemonize does not work in JRuby.

If yes, then it would be nice if I can configure the paths for pids and log files using ENV or an external config file. My JRuby app will be packaged using warbler so any writing to files must be done outside the Rails project directory... hence the need for configurability. (Not sure if delayed_job already does this as I'm currently looking into it.)

johnnyshields commented 3 years ago

@hmistry I don't know, you'll have to try it. If JRuby supports fork then yes.

johnnyshields commented 3 years ago

@hmistry you can try this gem:

However, if daemonize doesn't work (it uses fork) then this also probably won't work, though technically this PR is a "simpler" type of forking so it might work with the gem about. Again you'll have to try it; JRuby is beyond the scope here.

You may also wish to use Sidekiq rather than DelayedJob which is multi-threaded rather than multi-process and should work well on JRuby.

hmistry commented 3 years ago

@johnnyshields Got it. Thank you I'll take a look at the gem. JRuby doesn't support forking processes so based on what you said, doubt this will work. Sidekiq might be better option however it requires engineering effort... will consider it if we can't find a solution with DJ.

johnnyshields commented 3 years ago

@albus522 do you think you might be able to spend some time on this (or designated someone else to help review)? Since we've added this patch at my company we've cut our AWS bill for Delayed Job by about $5,000 / month (running on Kubernetes). Think lots of folks will benefit from it.

johnnyshields commented 2 years ago

@albus522 pinging on this. Do you think you'll be able to carve out some time to help review this? As stated previously I'm happy to break it into a series of smaller PRs that can be merged in sequence.

We've been using this in production for months and it has been working like a charm.

johnnyshields commented 2 years ago

@albus522 ping on this. We've processed literally billions of jobs on this branch having very diverse workloads and its working without a hitch.

martinstreicher commented 1 year ago

This is super useful for debugging.

chtrinh commented 1 year ago

@johnnyshields I'm a bit confused, how does one use --fork and have the process in the foreground with --pools? The forking code checks for worker_count > 1 before it attempts to run a loop for the foreground.

But when --pools is passed as an option, setup_workers -> setup_pooled_workers never incrementsworker_count only worker_index

In addition because worker_count is never incremented, Delayed::Worker.before_fork is never invoked, causing

$> bin/delayed_job --fork --pools=mailers:2 start 
undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/worker.rb:96:in `after_fork'
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/launcher/base.rb:72:in `run_worker'
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/launcher/forking.rb:74:in `block in fork_worker'
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/launcher/forking.rb:74:in `fork'
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/launcher/forking.rb:74:in `fork_worker'
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/launcher/forking.rb:63:in `add_worker'
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/launcher/base.rb:49:in `block (2 levels) in setup_pooled_workers'
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/launcher/base.rb:49:in `times'
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/launcher/base.rb:49:in `block in setup_pooled_workers'
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/launcher/base.rb:47:in `each'
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/launcher/base.rb:47:in `setup_pooled_workers'
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/launcher/base.rb:36:in `setup_workers'
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/launcher/forking.rb:12:in `launch'
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/command.rb:21:in `launch'
/Development/delayed_job/lib/delayed/command.rb:26:in `daemonize'
bin/delayed_job:5:in `<top (required)>'

for each queue passed.

johnnyshields commented 1 year ago

@chtrinh I think I never got around to completing pools and forking together, or else I never tested that. I think all other functionality besides that (queues, etc.) is well-tested. Would be glad to accept a PR to this branch.

chtrinh commented 1 year ago

@johnnyshields I ended up going a different way. I changed the binstub by appending loop {} to keep the main process running in the foreground and added some Signal traps to control the daemons that were spawned.

MaximilianMeister commented 9 months ago

I've managed to run delayed_job in a container (on kubernetes) by just calling bin/delayed_job run instead of start

that way it does not fork into the background. wouldn't this be enough to do the trick?