collectivenectar / therealrealoracle

Digital Oracle Deck App for iOS, done in the Godot Engine
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Deck 'Core' Feature Implementation - iOS API required - Could use Android to begin backend testing #8

Open collectivenectar opened 2 years ago

collectivenectar commented 2 years ago

Deck Core Features:

Deck Order Persistency (From shuffled to shuffle, the deck order is copied and behaves like a physical deck of cards) True Random Number Generation(User generated RNGs via hashing of raw image data) RNG Saves (Save a special RNG for regular use/manifestation)

How it works:

1) Main Scene has :

2) Previously Generated Seed Menu has:

3) Generate a seed from a photo Scene has:

4) Use a pseudorandom number generator Scene has:

I expect to be able to access the core scene as a sort of singleton, hopefully this way I can allow a user to change their seed on a whim.

This would be so I can provide a 'clarifier' card when the user is unable to interpret the current spread clearly, simply by:

1) Selecting the 'clarifier' button 2) Choosing whether or not to change the seed for this question (then the deck core scene is instanced) 3) Drawing a card

Requirements for this feature:

Persistent Data Storage(user generated seed history, photos? maybe) Photo Processing (input is raw photo data, output is a small RNG seed) RNG classes (Maybe I need to expand the current class?) UI stuff(animation for 'number crunching stuff')

For the moment, I'm holding off on developing this, mostly because I still have my hands full developing the main features, and because my plan was originally to just launch this on iOS. Now that I know a bit more, I'm realizing it may be much more advantageous(and fast) to develop for android as well due to simplicity of the export process in Godot, so it's now possible that I could implement this feature for an android version first if I suffer any iOS issues.

collectivenectar commented 2 years ago

I should just build and test the hashing logic of this with just having 2 images to test with stuffed in the app, and this way I can build the front end. Trying this today.

collectivenectar commented 2 years ago

Integrating the 'deck core' as a subsection of the app settings, with deck core icon being just a direct link to that section of the menu. Think it makes more sense this way. Can get to menu from deck core, and get to core from menu. 'Button' for core will look different than settings though.