collin80 / ESP32RET

CAN Reverse engineering tool for ESP32 based boards (specifically EVTV ESP32Due)
MIT License
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MCP2515 not working #19

Open Modellfan opened 1 year ago

Modellfan commented 1 year ago

Even I fixed the MCP2515 library. It isn't working in the context of ESP32RET. I spend many hours on investigations and can't find the reason. Internal CAN is working as it should. For the MCP2515 for whatever reason the "polling task" does not get any computation time. I played with many parameters like task priority. When you disable the CAN0 and put in MCP2515:handleint a Serial.print(). then it at least gets computation.

There must be some interference with CAN0 and something else in ESP32RET regarding task priority. However I am wondering, as the MCP2515 tasks are completly the same as for MCP2517FD.