collin80 / ESP32RET

CAN Reverse engineering tool for ESP32 based boards (specifically EVTV ESP32Due)
MIT License
178 stars 52 forks source link

is this still maintained? #24

Closed Pacerino closed 1 year ago

Pacerino commented 1 year ago

I'm wondering if this Repo is still maintained? There are a lot of open issues and this wont compile with a ESP32-S3.

collin80 commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I'm still here. Though, it hasn't been super actively maintained, that's true. The code is old enough that the S3 didn't exist back when it was written. And, yes, the S3 is not supported (yet). Really, the best approach is probably to rebase the esp32_can project around the now existing TWAI code in the ESP32 IDF. There too, such things did not exist when I first made the CAN library. Basically, the biggest issue here is that I wrote all this stuff many years ago when ESP32 development was still somewhat in its infancy and now time has marched on and this project (and esp32_can) have just not kept up. The goal was to support EVTV hardware with the project and that was a success. It all does work well on that hardware which uses the original ESP32. Now there will be an EVTV board with the S3 so that gives me the push I need to finally get back to this. Long story short, it's going to happen in the near future.

Pacerino commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your answer! I am looking forward to the future!