I was trying to get LAWICEL mode working on on an M2, I found that it worked fine if the SysSettings.lawicelMode variable is set to true. I was able to do this either by sending the 'V' command manually over the serial port, or by changing how the 'O' command was handled (although I suspect that this isn't the proper way to fix this behavior):
diff --git a/SerialConsole.cpp b/SerialConsole.cpp
index 740025d..5bb6b37 100644
--- a/SerialConsole.cpp
+++ b/SerialConsole.cpp
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ void SerialConsole::handleShortCmd()
//Lawicel specific commands
case 'O': //LAWICEL open canbus port (first one only because LAWICEL has no concept of dual canbus
- Can0.disable_autobaud_listen_mode();
- Can0.begin(settings.CAN0Speed, 255);
+ //Can0.disable_autobaud_listen_mode();
+ //Can0.begin(settings.CAN0Speed, 255);
SerialUSB.write(13); //send CR to mean "ok"
SysSettings.lawicelMode = true;
After making this change I was able to use slcand to be able to use the Linux socketcan utilities:
I've had another report that lawicel doesn't seem to be working. I'm going to try to replicate your fix and see if there's a better fix out there. Thanks.
I was trying to get LAWICEL mode working on on an M2, I found that it worked fine if the
variable is set to true. I was able to do this either by sending the 'V' command manually over the serial port, or by changing how the 'O' command was handled (although I suspect that this isn't the proper way to fix this behavior):After making this change I was able to use slcand to be able to use the Linux socketcan utilities: