collinalexbell / HackMatrix

A 3d Linux desktop environment (and game engine)
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Const char error? [Solved - just use startx] #76

Closed TymekBrunka closed 3 weeks ago

TymekBrunka commented 3 weeks ago

so when starting with /home/tymek/HackMatrix/matrix it prints out const char* error

image to be posted soon.

TymekBrunka commented 3 weeks ago

![Uploading Screenshot_2024-06-08-20-02-13-631_lockscreen.jpg…]()

TymekBrunka commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, it gives no more information on what is the error, it works the same on dm and tty

and whould xinit fix it?

EDIT: forgot to mention that i managed to get opengl to work (so it shouldnt be opengl window opening error, or maybe it tries to open window before starting wm)

EDIT2: could this be the same reason for dwm: cant open display and xorg: authentiction required but no athentication protocol specified?

collinalexbell commented 3 weeks ago

You have to run the program in xinit.

Your screenshot isn't loading btw.

TymekBrunka commented 3 weeks ago

why xinit and not like script in greetd environment entry

oh, i thouth it can be downloaded at least bc there was add attachment button and that's what i used.

and error msg in screenshot is:

Failed to open display
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'char const*'

also xinit dumps this (idk if it is bc i tried to see what it does on xwayland)

/usr/lib/Xorg.wrap: Only console users are allowed to run the X server
X connection to :0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

and dumps different errors when starting from tty nad no x server running.

tbh, im xwaylnd user and xorg only is like new to me, i have only tried dwm with sddm but now i have greetd set up but dwm won't open too (it could be old build but xorg is unmaintained anyway right?)

collinalexbell commented 3 weeks ago

I've never used greetd. Seems like it is mostly used for Wayland compositors. I wouldn't know how to start an x server from it.

collinalexbell commented 3 weeks ago

Doesn't seem like your method is properly starting an xserver.

I just put my config in .xinitrc and run startx in the tty

TymekBrunka commented 3 weeks ago

Can I use xinit in dm?

EDIT: I can, but no matter if I use greetd or tty to execute startx, it crashes in seconds after launching and using firefox in it (no MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 in /etc/environment).

EDIT2: firefox isn't only program that crashes HackMatrix, maybe it does it by itself. idk, xorg issue? thunar cant be focused unles i launch other app or launch firefox.

TymekBrunka commented 3 weeks ago

i guess i have same issue as so i close it