collinsmezie / Ruby_capstone_catalog

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Final branch #32

Closed LYANGEND closed 2 years ago

LYANGEND commented 2 years ago

In this final Ruby capstone project, we have achieved the following milestones

Create a main.rb file that will serve as your console app entry-point.
Your console app, at the start, should:
    Present the user with a list of options to perform.
    Let users choose an option.
    If needed, ask for parameters for the option.
    Have a way to quit the app.
The following options should be available:
    List all books
    List all music albums
    List all movies
    List of games
    List all genres (e.g 'Comedy', 'Thriller')
    List all labels (e.g. 'Gift', 'New')
    List all authors (e.g. 'Stephen King')
    List all sources (e.g. 'From a friend', 'Online shop')
    Add a book
    Add a music album
    Add a movie
    Add a game
All data should be preserved by saving collections in .json files.