collinsmith / riiablo

Diablo II remade using Java and LibGDX
Apache License 2.0
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Reduce SpellsQuickPanel skill management responsibilities #101

Open collinsmith opened 3 years ago

collinsmith commented 3 years ago

SpellsQuickPanel currently manages the assignment and changing of skills. This has worked, but may not be appropriate. Something to keep in mind, observer is used to manage the button which the quick panel is modifying (clicking in a skill in the quick panel will assign it to the observer). In the case of desktop, this is a 1-to-1 mapping from left/right skill to action and easy, however this isn't feasible on mobile -- at least not directly since there are 2 actions per alternate and n actions in the action bar. I think the route I'd like to take on mobile is using hotkeys to track the assigned buttons locations -- but this may completely break compatibility if the same save is used on both platforms.

collinsmith commented 3 years ago

This came up before, but how will auras be managed on mobile? Could have a specific slot for active aura, or what I had planned before was to have a focus effect on the active aura that changes when a different aura is selected. The idea was to force any skill that is a left skill to act as a left skill, and any skill that is a right skill to disable the active aura (since the concept of left and right skills do not exist on mobile). This may be confusing and will probably be worked out when I get around to it. There is the possibility this will open up some exploits.