collinss / Cinnamon-Soundbox

Desklet to manage Sound settings and view and control currently playing media
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[Discussion] Consider merging to base Cinnamon #6

Closed corbin-auriti closed 10 years ago

corbin-auriti commented 10 years ago

@collinss I don't know if you like having this as a separate desklet, but it could be valuable to others to have this as an included desklet in Cinnamon.

collinss commented 10 years ago

@RavetcoFX I think it would be great to have this available to Cinnamon users by default. That being said, including some of the more popular spices (such as the weather applet) has been discussed before, and the consensus as I understood it (at least for now) was that it is better to keep some of them third-party because that way they get more attention.

I am still developing this desklet quite a bit - adding new features, fixing bugs, and making little tweaks here and there to make it more efficient, user friendly and intuitive. If this were included with Cinnamon, much of that development would be hindered because every time I wanted to change something, I would have to fork Cinnamon, make a pull request, and then wait for it to get merged. Also, for about 2 months of every release cycle (which ends up being about 1/3 of the year) Cinnamon undergoes a feature-freeze during which no development at all would happen.

As an example, look at the applets that are already included. The only ones that have received any serious attention recently are the user applet (which is brand new), and the menu applet. Most of that attention has gone to fixing bugs and improving performance. In addition, there has been an attempt or two to add new features to the menu applet, but they have been pushed back to 2.2 because the devs have been focused on other things (and rightly so).

Also, by adding it to the Cinnamon package means that it only gets updated twice a year. Since I first released this desklet (less than 4 months ago), I have already issued 6 updates, with a number of new features and bug-fixes, and will be releasing another as soon as I'm done testing.

Finally, though not reason enough of itself, perhaps, there have been a number of complaints lately of a lack of good applets and desklets on the spices website.

That was probably more than you really wanted to hear, but I do feel that adding it to the Cinnamon package would hurt the desklet as it stands right now. I also think we could find a better way to make spices like this available to the average user (the downloader in cinnamon-settings was an improvement, but it still needs a lot of work).

corbin-auriti commented 10 years ago

@collinss Those are the con point I was thinking about as-well, and the main being keeping it third party gives you more freedom. I am closing this issue