collinss / Cinnamon-Sticky-Notes

A sticky note applet for the Cinnamon DE
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Multiscreen issue #17

Open aqwserf opened 6 years ago

aqwserf commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your app, very usefull ! But I've got a strange behaviour with a 2 screens configuration (laptop+extern): If I put a note on the main screen (laptop) and I disconnect the second screen, note dissapear. If I put a note on the second screen and I disconnect the second screen, note switch to the laptop screen.

Expected behaviour would be to keep the note on the screen it was put on.

Does someone has a similar behaviour ? Is my configuration the problem or the app ?


collinss commented 6 years ago

I believe the problem is that the notes are placed relative to the entire screen real-estate. When you plug or unplug a monitor, that real-estate changes so the notes move accordingly. If I had to guess, I'd say your external monitor is on the left or top. This would mean that when you plug it, in the notes that were on your laptop have now moved to the external (they are positioned relative to the left-most edge of the left-most screen, and the top-most edge of the top-most screen). If you move them back to the laptop and then unplug the external, your notes will then be positioned beyond the edge of the screen because the left or top edge of your screen has moved again.

I've been wanting to add multi-monitor support for quite a while, but my second monitor got destroyed in a move a couple years ago, and I haven't had the money to buy a new one. Without being able to test, I don't dare try to fix it as I'm as likely to make things worse instead.

aqwserf commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your quick answer and your great explanation. That's right, my external screen is on the left, because of my office layout. Are you a wizard ? :)

Sorry to hear that. If I can help in any way, let me hear that, like testing a new version with multiscreen support, or something like that...

collinss commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the offer to help with testing. I'll keep that in mind. If I have some spare time I might try to work something out and have you test it.